A Simple Electron Boilerplate for Desktop Apps. Uses Electron, React, Redux, Webpack, and more.
npm install
npm run dev
# new window
npm start
npm run build
npm run pack
npm test
npm run test:verbose
npm run lint
npm run lint:fix
To setup your own project, you will need to copy the contents of this project into a new repo.
You will need to update the content in these files to names of your project and yourself:
This is also a good time to go through the included libraries to add or remove features that you want.
After this you can commit the files into a new repository and push up to your github.
You can now start updating files in your client to begin working on your own project!
- config
- scripts
- app
- assets
- images
- icons
- components
- atoms
- molecules
- organisms
- templates
- pages
- environment
- hooks
- store
- actions
- reducers
- thunks
- tests
- styles
- utils
Component Heirarchy:
Environment > Pages > Templates > Organisms > Molecules > Atoms
This is based on atomic design. Learn more about atomic design.
Electron - Desktop GUI Application
React - View Library
Redux - State Manager
Webpack - Code Packager for React
Bulma - CSS Framework
Material-UI - React Element Library
FontAwesome - Icons
Ramda - Functional Library
date-fns - Date Functions Library
ESLint - Code Linter
Jest - Testing Framework