项目作者: djizco

项目描述 :
A Simple Electron Boilerplate for Desktop Apps. Uses Electron, React, Redux, Webpack, and more.
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/djizco/electron-react-boilerplate.git
创建时间: 2016-11-20T20:32:37Z

开源协议:MIT License


Electron React Boilerplate

Quick Start

for Development

  1. npm install
  2. npm run dev
  3. # new window
  4. npm start

for Production

  1. npm run build
  2. npm run pack

Other Commands

  1. npm test
  2. npm run test:verbose
  3. npm run lint
  4. npm run lint:fix

Setup Instructions

To setup your own project, you will need to copy the contents of this project into a new repo.
You will need to update the content in these files to names of your project and yourself:

  • package.json: name, version, description, repository, author, bugs, homepage,
  • LICENSE: (update to your preferred license)
  • app/index.html: description and title
  • this README.md

This is also a good time to go through the included libraries to add or remove features that you want.

After this you can commit the files into a new repository and push up to your github.
You can now start updating files in your client to begin working on your own project!


  • Webpack conveniently bundles your code for you.
  • Babel lets you use ES6/7 features.
  • CSS pre-processor setup for LESS and SASS lets you keep your styles clean and organized.
  • ESLint helps you maintain a high level of code quality.
  • Jest and Enzyme give you a robust testing frame work to make sure your code works.

Code Structure

  1. - config
  2. - scripts
  3. - app
  4. - assets
  5. - images
  6. - icons
  7. - components
  8. - atoms
  9. - molecules
  10. - organisms
  11. - templates
  12. - pages
  13. - environment
  14. - hooks
  15. - store
  16. - actions
  17. - reducers
  18. - thunks
  19. - tests
  20. - styles
  21. - utils

Component Heirarchy:

Environment > Pages > Templates > Organisms > Molecules > Atoms

This is based on atomic design. Learn more about atomic design.


Electron - Desktop GUI Application

React - View Library

Redux - State Manager

Webpack - Code Packager for React

Bulma - CSS Framework

Material-UI - React Element Library

FontAwesome - Icons

Ramda - Functional Library

date-fns - Date Functions Library

ESLint - Code Linter

Jest - Testing Framework