Repository of k-paths: code, dataset, technical report, visualization
This repo holds the source code and scripts for reproduce the key experiments of k-paths trajectory clustering.
.\data_porto\reassign\porto_mm_edge.dat 10 1000000 .\data_porto\reassign\new_edge_street.txt .\data_porto\reassign\new_graph.txt Porto
There are six parameters:
arg[0] is the trajectory data file
arg[1] is the number of clusters (k)
arg[2] is the number of trajectories in the datafile which will be clustered (|D|)
arg[3] is the edge info file which contains the street name
arg[4] is the road network graph file
arg[5] is the city name.
Then, all the result will be recorded into the log file under the “logs” folder.
mvn clean package
A file “torch-clus-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar” will be generated under folder “target”.
java -Xmx16192M -cp ./torch-clus-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar ./data_tdrive/beijing_mm_edge.txt.reassign 10 250997 ./data_tdrive/new_id_edge_raw_beijing.txt ./data_tdrive/beijing_graph_new.txt tdrive
java -Xmx16192M -cp ./torch-clus-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar ./data_porto/porto_mm_edge.dat 10 1565595 ./data_porto/new_edge_street.txt ./data_porto/new_graph.txt porto
#java -Xmx16192M -cp ./torch-clus-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar ./data_porto/porto_mm_edge.dat 10 100000 ./data_porto/new_edge_street.txt ./data_porto/new_graph.txt porto
#java -Xmx16192M -cp ./torch-clus-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar ./data_tdrive/beijing_mm_edge.txt.reassign 10 10000 ./data_tdrive/new_id_edge_raw_beijing.txt ./data_tdrive/beijing_graph_new.txt tdrive
java -Xmx16192M -cp ./torch-clus-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar ./data_tdrive/beijing_mm_edge.txt.reassign 10 1000 ./data_tdrive/new_id_edge_raw_beijing.txt ./data_tdrive/beijing_graph_new.txt tdrive
java -Xmx16192M -cp ./torch-clus-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar ./data_porto/porto_mm_edge.dat 10 100000 ./data_porto/new_edge_street.txt ./data_porto/new_graph.txt porto
We use the map-matched dataset, and trajectory data composed of integer ids. Since they have a size above the standard of Github, we store it in Google Drive, and you can find the dataset from:
Download the trajectory dataset from the above link, and put the dataset into “data_porto” or “data_tdrive”. (The road network graph datasets are already there.)
We use MapV ( to visulized the cluster result using different color.
If you are familar with javascript, you can use WebStorm ( to open the webpage and see how the data is demonstrated.
An online visualization using dynamic flow can also be found in
If you use our code for research work, please cite our paper as below:
title={Fast large-scale trajectory clustering},
author={Wang, Sheng and Bao, Zhifeng and Culpepper, J Shane and Sellis, Timos and Qin, Xiaolin},
journal={Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment},
publisher={VLDB Endowment}
If you use our mapped trajectory dataset for research work, please cite our paper as below:
author = {{Wang}, Sheng and {Bao}, Zhifeng and {Culpepper}, J. Shane and {Xie}, Zizhe and {Liu}, Qizhi and {Qin}, Xiaolin},
title = "{Torch: {A} Search Engine for Trajectory Data}",
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 41th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development in Information Retrieval},
organization = {ACM},
pages = {535--544},
year = 2018,