项目作者: DarrenZZhang

项目描述 :
Incomplete Multi-view Clustering via Graph Regularized Matrix Factorization
高级语言: Matlab
项目地址: git://github.com/DarrenZZhang/IMC_GRMF.git
创建时间: 2018-08-30T05:53:07Z




This is a simple reimplementation of matlab codes for our paper:

Incomplete Multi-view Clustering via Graph Regularized Matrix Factorization,

Published in European Conference on Computer Vision Workshop on CEFRL in Computer Vision, 2018.

Implementation platform: Matlab 2015a

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Jie Wen via: wenjie@hrbeu.edu.cn.

If you find the code is useful, please cite the following reference:

J. Wen, Z. Zhang, Y. Xu, Z. Zhong, B. Zhang, L. Fei, Incomplete Multi-view Clustering via Graph Regularized Matrix Factorization,
ECCV Workshop on Compact and Efficient Feature Representation and Learning in Computer Vision, 2018.