项目作者: gw000

项目描述 :
PEG-based string-centric esolang
高级语言: Scheme
项目地址: git://github.com/gw000/mattie.git
创建时间: 2016-08-31T13:05:59Z

开源协议:Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License


mattie is a language for my cat, whose name is mattie :3

mattie is about turning strings into other strings.

here’s a simple rule 110 stepper:

  1. rule110 <- '111 -> '0
  2. | '110 -> '1
  3. | '101 -> '1
  4. | '100 -> '0
  5. | '011 -> '1
  6. | '010 -> '1
  7. | '001 -> '1
  8. | '000 -> '0
  9. loop <- ... & main | .* -> ""
  10. main <- (.(..)< -> rule110)*! ((.* -> "
  11. ")! -> "") -> loop

run-mattie.ss runs mattie the program in the 1st argument with the 2nd
argument as input. the program has to have a main rule.

maybe there will be a better interface & docs l8r, idk