PEG-based string-centric esolang
mattie is a language for my cat, whose name is mattie :3
mattie is about turning strings into other strings.
here’s a simple rule 110 stepper:
rule110 <- '111 -> '0
| '110 -> '1
| '101 -> '1
| '100 -> '0
| '011 -> '1
| '010 -> '1
| '001 -> '1
| '000 -> '0
loop <- ... & main | .* -> ""
main <- (.(..)< -> rule110)*! ((.* -> "
")! -> "") -> loop
runs mattie the program in the 1st argument with the 2nd
argument as input. the program has to have a main rule.
maybe there will be a better interface & docs l8r, idk