This library assists in performing mathematical expression or multi-line expression parsing. Extensible via expression functions.
Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Black Rook Software.
This library assists in performing mathematical expression or multi-line expression parsing.
Extensible via expression functions.
Contained in this release is a series of classes that should be used for expression parsing.
The javadocs contain basic outlines of each package’s contents.
To compile this library with Apache Ant, type:
ant compile
To make Maven-compatible JARs of this library (placed in the build/jar directory), type:
ant jar
To make Javadocs (placed in the build/docs directory):
ant javadoc
To compile main and test code and run tests (if any):
ant test
To make Zip archives of everything (main src/resources, bin, javadocs, placed in the build/zip directory):
ant zip
To compile, JAR, test, and Zip up everything:
ant release
To clean up everything:
ant clean
Online Javadocs can be found at:
This program and the accompanying materials
are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License v2.1
which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
A copy of the LGPL should have been included in this release (LICENSE.txt).
If it was not, please contact us for a copy, or to notify us of a distribution
that has not included it.
This contains code copied from Black Rook Base, under the terms of the MIT License (docs/LICENSE-BlackRookBase.txt).