parsing postgres errors
Do you like forcing constraint validation down into the database, but dislike
the native error messages returned by Postgres?
invalid input syntax for uuid: “foo”
invalid input value for enum account_status: “blah”
new row for relation “accounts” violates check constraint “accounts_balance_check”
null value in column \”id\” violates not-null constraint
This library attempts to parse those error messages and return error messages
that you can expose via your API.
No id was provided. Please provide a id
Cannot write a negative balance
Invalid input syntax for type uuid: “foo”
Invalid account_status: “blah”
Can’t save to payments because the account_id (91f47e99-d616-4d8c-9c02-cbd13bceac60) isn’t present in the accounts table
A email already exists with this value (
In addition, this library exports common Postgres error codes, so you can check
against them in your application.
import dberror ""
func main() {
_, err := db.Exec("INSERT INTO accounts (id) VALUES (null)")
dberr := dberror.GetError(err)
switch e := dberr.(type) {
case *dberror.Error:
fmt.Println(e.Error()) // "No id was provided. Please provide a id"
// not a pq error
Failed check constraints are tricky - the native error messages just say
“failed”, and don’t reference a column.
So you can define your own constraint handlers, and then register them:
import dberror ""
import ""
func init()
constraint := &dberror.Constraint{
Name: "accounts_balance_check",
GetError: func(e *pq.Error) *dberror.Error {
return &dberror.Error{
Message: "Cannot write a negative balance",
Severity: e.Severity,
Table: e.Table,
Detail: e.Detail,
Code: string(e.Code),
// test.AssertEquals(t, e.Error(), "Cannot write a negative balance")
If we get a constraint failure, we’ll call your GetError
handler, to get
a well-formatted message.