simple util to inject variable into env variable
A very simple util to inject variable into env variable, convenient when developing in local environment. You can define variable in yml file, it’ll inject it into env variable.
warning: still in development, use it carefully
func main() {
ok := config.Load("./config/env.yml") // your config file path, return true if successfully load file, return false if can not find file.
if os.Getenv("ENV") == "development" {
fmt.Println("my debug info, don't show it in production.")
// or use config.Get
if val, ok := config.Get("ENV"); !ok {
fmt.Println("ENV doesn't exist in")
// or use config.MustGet
// panics if can not find env
if val := config.MustGet("ENV") {
Load a file and inject it into env, only .yml format is supported
TODO: error handling if wrong format
Get global env from os
Get global env from os, panics if env doesn’t exist.