Wind and temperature station based on Davis 6410 anenometer reporting direction, max, min and average wind speed via MQTT topics
An Wemos D1 Mini based wind and temperature station reporting direction, max, min and average wind via MQTT topics
Needed Arduino Libraries to be included in IDE. Install them either from GitHub repository directly or within the IDE application itself Sketch > Import Library
Library | Link to GitHub |
PubSubClient | |
OneWire | |
Dallas Temperature |
MQTT Topics to be published.
Topic | Description |
WeatherStation/WindSpeed | set topic - Gust wind speed (m/s) during ReportTimerShort |
WeatherStation/WindSpeedAverage | set topic - Average wind speed (m/s) during ReportTimerLong |
WeatherStation/MinWindSpeed | set topic - Min gust wind speed (m/s) during ReportTimerShort |
WeatherStation/MaxWindSpeed | set topic - Max gust wind speed (m/s) during ReportTimerShort |
WeatherStation/WindVane | set topic - Wind direction in degrees 0-360 |
WeatherStation/WindVaneCompass | set topic - Wind compass direction e.g. N, NE |
WeatherStation/Temperature | set topic - Temperature in degrees |
Part | Comment/Link |
Wemos D1 mini | |
Anemometer Davis 6410 | |
Tempsensor DB18B20 | |
Power Supply HLK-PM03 | |