:vertical_traffic_light: State data structure to use within React, Vue or vanilla js
A tiny library to deal with states, destroy booleans and useless data
This was written with user interface in mind, but can be used anywhere.
I wanted a cleaner way to deal with user interface states in React and
Vue code. It’s a way to get Enum types in javascript without having to
use typescript or flow.
A few problems you might have experienced:
Implicit states and unreadable logic in the jsx / html template
{this.isLoaded() && !this.state.errors ? (
Status: {this.response.status}
) : null}
By defining a Success
state, that could be simplified.
That was a simple example, but we know that if clauses can get pretty
Booleans proliferation and other data type choices
isLoading, hasFetched, isDeleting, isEditing, these kind of booleans
seems to be everywhere. Sometimes it’s worse, sometimes we use the fact
that a variable is null or undefined to mean implicitely that the ui is
not in a particular state.
I want a way to state clearly what the UI is doing.
The impossible sometimes happens
I bet you had a button with a loading indicator spinning forever, long
after the server crashed. That is an impossible state. After the crash,
some flags needs to be set to true, some other to false, some errors
must be set, … With a static type system, that could be dealt with
Unfortunately, javascript isn’t one of them.
Some fields are not always used
Why bother with an error
attribute when everything went well?
npm save possible-states
// or
yarn add possible-states
Create an object that holds the logic for state transition.
The transition functions toOk
and toError
are defined automatically.
import PossibleStates from 'possible-states'
// the default value is the first argument we passed to this function:
let ui = PossibleStates('ok', 'error')
ui.current() === 'ok'
ui = ui.toError()
ui.current() === 'error'
The possible state object is immutable. Whenever a transition function
is called, a new object gets created.
Clean up logic in jsx with the when function.
Release in 1.3
helpers functions execute when the
state is not the one specified.
These function are not only helpful for controlling markup, you can
control anything with it. Here is an example with CSS classes:
<div className={state.ui.whenLoading('background-grey') || 'background-white'}></div>
In the previous case, we would also have a whenOk
and whenError
function that would accept a callback and run it whenever the state
Released in version 1.2
and caseOf
both accept
now an object or a callback.
// That means that instead of this:
state.ui.whenLoading(() => <Spinner></Spinner>)
// You can do this directly:
// And the same for caseOf:
loading: <Spinner></Spinner>,
_: 'Text works also',
Use it to clean up if-else statements that are getting out of hand:
// before
{this.loaded && !this.state.errors ? (
Status: this.response.status
) : null}
// after
this.ui.whenSuccess(({status}) => (
Status: {status}
For more checks and control, use the caseOf function.
That’s how it could look like in React.
const users = PossibleStates('waiting', 'loading', 'success', 'failure')
// ... handle the fetching and transitions somewhere
waiting: () => <p>Blank layout</p>,
loading: () => <Spinner></Spinner>,
success: () => <UsersList ></UsersList>,
failure: () => <ErrorMessage ></ErrorMessage>,
The library will force you to handle all the cases you have defined.
If we are only interested in a couple clauses, use _
as a catch all clause:
success: () => <UsersList ></UsersList>,
_ : () => <Whatever ></Whatever>,
That’s cool, but what is cooler is to define the data contained, so you don’t have to deal with
it in a separate field.
Use the name<data1, data2>
syntax for that.
and caseOf
Again, in React, it looks like this.
note that you need to use the functional form of setState,
because state updates may be asynchronous and we need the value of the
// define the initial UI state
this.state.ui = PossibleStates('wait', 'ok<result>', 'error<reason>')
// then whenever needed, use transition. Use the function form of setState.
this.setState(state => ({ui: state.ui.toOk('Your result goes here')})
// Update the UI state on React
this.setState(state => ({ ui: state.ui.toOk('Your result goes here') }))
// Update the UI state on Vue
this.state.ui = this.state.ui.toOk('Your result goes here')
this.state.ui.whenOk((data) => (
{data.result} // <-- 'goes here'
// or
ok: data => <div>data.result</div> // <-- only the ok clause will receive the data as an argument
_ : () => <div>nothing</div>
If you are into Vue, you can use 2 components to achieve the same result in templates.
import {When, CaseOf} from 'possible-states'
<When :state="ui" of="error">
<div>Uh oh! Something when wrong!</div>
If the given state as data, use a scoped slot. If error
is defined as error<message>
<When :state="ui" of="error">
<div slot-scope="props">Uh oh! {{props.message}}</div>
Use named slot named after the state they are matching.
<CaseOf :state="ui">
<div slot="yes">yeah</div>
<div slot="no">nope</div>
Fallback with the default slot.
note that at the moment, the default needs to be defined as the first child.
Pass data using scoped slots. If we had yes<yeah>
<CaseOf :state="ui">
<div slot="yes" slot-scope="props">{{ props.yeah }}</div>
<div slot="no">nope</div>
Be nice.
Add tests. If you are not sure how, let me know and we can figure it out.
Submit a PR from a branch named fix-xxxxxxx
or feature-xxxxxx
. Not from master
Make sure yarn test
and yarn lint
Write meaningful commit messages. If needed, squash commits before opening your PR.
Copyright (©) 2018-present, Christophe Graniczny