Prerender SPA Boilerplate allows you to start new web project from scratch using Prerender-SPA-Plugin, React, Mobx-State-Tree, Mobx and Styled components.
Prerender SPA Boilerplate allows you to start new web project from scratch using Prerender-SPA-Plugin, React, Mobx-State-Tree, Mobx and Styled components.
Also this boilerplate contains babel configuration to use decorators from ES7 and HMR for React.
Based on MST React Boilerplate
Use these steps to install project
1. yarn install
2. yarn start
Build project:
yarn build
to server and check project you can use http-server
git checkout -b my-new-feature
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
git push origin my-new-feature
Vlad Morzhanov
Copyright (c) 2018 Vlad Morzhanov.
You can review license in the LICENSE file.