DRAM error-correction code (ECC) simulator incorporating statistical error properties and DRAM design characteristics for inferring pre-correction error characteristics using only the post-correction errors. Described in the 2019 DSN paper by Patel et al.: https://people.inf.ethz.ch/omutlu/pub/understanding-and-modeling-in-DRAM-ECC_dsn19.pdf.
The Error Inference Simulator (EINSim) uses Monte-Carlo simulation to model how different error-correction code (ECC) schemes transform the spatial distribution of errors in a memory device (e.g., DRAM data-retention errors). EINSim simulates an ECC dataword’s lifetime throughout ECC encoding, error injection, and ECC decoding. By simulating enough datawords (e.g., > 1e6), the statistical distribution of post-correction errors approximates that of a real device.
EINSim is a key part of the EIN statistical inference methodology originally proposed in our DSN 2019 academic paper [1]. EIN uses maximum-a-posteriori (MAP) estimation over different ECC models (computed using EINSim) to infer a device’s pre-correction error characteristics from post-correction error distributions. This information can be used to:
EIN is especially useful for devices in which the pre-correction error characteristics are hidden (e.g., DRAM with on-die ECC). Our paper [1] explains EIN and its potential applications in much greater detail.
Please send questions to Minesh Patel at minesh.patelh@gmail.com
Current version: 2.0.0
EINSim comprises two parts:
We use Doxygen to document the source code and provide a Doxyfile for building HTML and LaTeX documentation. To build the documentation, simply issue:
$ doxygen
when in the project directory, or point doxygen
to the provided Doxyfile. The HTML documentation will be built under doxygen/html/index.html
Building and running EINSim requires the following working installations:
A C++11 toolchain (e.g., GCC, Clang, MSVC)
Python 2/3
EINSim has been tested with:
- GCC 9.1.0
- GCC 8.3.0
- GCC 7.4.0
- GCC 6.3.0
- Apple LLVM 10.0.0 (clang-1000.11.45.5)
- Apple LLVM 9.1.0 (clang-902.0.39.2)
- Python 3.7.3 (Anaconda 3)
- Python 3.7.2
- Python 3.7.1
- Python 3.5.3
- Python 2.7.13
$ make [-j <# threads>] [other make options] <target>
The makefile has various targets, described as follows:
builds einsim
with full optimizationsdebug
builds einsim.d
with no optimization and debug symbolslib
builds einsim.so
as a shared library with full optimizationsdoc
builds Doxygen documentation in the directory doxygen
builds both release
and debug
cleans build and binary files for both release
and debug
Omitting the target
argument defaults to the release
EINSim runs as a command-line tool with several CLI options that are shown when running EINSim without options:
$ ./path/to/einsim
Quickly testing whether EINSim works correctly can be done by issuing:
$ ./path/to/einsim -m t -T fast [-t <# threads>]
This will run a brief test of all implemented ECC schemes across various code parameters and will report success or failure.
EINSim has three modes of operation:
(./path/to/einsim -m s
) is the primary mode of operation and simulates how the spatial distribution of errors is transformed by different ECC schemes.
(./path/to/einsim -m t
) is used primarily for sanity-checking and regression testing. It sweeps through a set of pre-baked configurations for each ECC scheme that are designed to roughly cover the range of important parameters for the scheme. This helps check for obvious errors when modifying, updating, or adding ECC schemes.
(./path/to/einsim -m d
) is used for debugging various components of EINSim. It is similar to the simulation mode, but provides a simpler core simulation loop with more controls over an ECC word. While debug mode is designed to make working with EINSim easier, it need not be used if the user is comfortable with a different debugging approach.
Our paper [1] provides a detailed overview of EINSim’s purpose and design, and we highly recommend the interested user to refer to it when delving deeply into EINSim.
At a high level, EINSim simulates the error characteristics of configurable-length words, which are referred to as bursts in the context of DRAM. Bursts are typically several bytes long (e.g., 32B) and may comprise multiple ECC data words. Therefore, EINSim subdivides each burst into one or more ECC datawords as per the particular ECC schemes that have been chosen for simulation.
In the core simulation loop, EINSim repeatedly simulates individual bursts through the following steps:
1) Writing the burst with a configurable data pattern (e.g., 0xFF, RANDOM, custom data)
2) ECC encoding
3) Error injection according to error-mechanism parameters (e.g., error distribution, DRAM true-/anti-cell layout, data pattern)
4) ECC decoding
5) Measuring some property of the output (e.g., counting the number of errors in the decoded burst with respect to the originally written data pattern)
EINSim then outputs the final measured property using the output format described in the following section.
EINSim represents ECC schemes using JSON with the following members:
As an example, a (7, 4, 3) Hamming code:
Additional examples are provided under the examples
The EINSim output format is verbose by design. Each line of output contains the pre- and post-correction error distribution when simulating N words for a single system configuration. This keeps it relatively easy to search for data concerning a particular configuration using common tools such as awk
or grep
Since a large N (e.g., N > 1e6) is required to achieve a statistically representative sample of the true error distributions (discussed further in Sections 4 and 5 of Patel et al. [1]), EINSim is designed for high parallelization. EINSim typically divides N into smaller units, and each unit outputs its results as soon as it finishes. The outputs across all units can later be combined into a single distribution using the provided Python script script/utils/aggregate_output.py
The output format of a single output line is described as follows and provides reasonable human-readability:
[DATA] <ECC scheme>: p:<int> t:<int> k:<int> n:<int> m:<int> rber:<float> bl:<int> bcl:<int> ps:<int> ed:<string> cd:<string> dp:<string> [ <error count>:<# words pre-correction>:<# words post-correction> <>:<>:<> ... repeat ]
We briefly explain each of the fields:
Example output for a BCH 3EC code with a 511-bit codeword, 484-bit dataword, and a 256-bit burst length with a UNIFORM_RANDOM pre-correction error distribution, an equal number of true-/anti-cells, and a RANDOM data pattern:
$ ./path/to/einsim -m s -s HSC -k 4 -b 4 -p 0 -w BLOCKS -c ALL_TRUE -n 100 -d ALL_ONES -o PER_BIT_ERROR_COUNT -e DATA_RETENTION,0.5
[DATA] uid:3285674560482760615 nw:100 bl:4 bcl:7 ps:0 em:DATA_RETENTION(p:0.500000) cd:ALL_TRUE dp:ALL_ONES obs:PER_BIT_ERROR_COUNT [ 52 47 42 52 : 56 45 42 53 52 53 45 ]
The script script/aggregate_output.py
can be used to aggregate multiple outputs across multiple runs (or simply within just one run) as follows:
$ ./path/to/script/aggregate_output.py -o <filename: destination> [<filename: input EINSim results 0> <filename: input EINSim results 1> ...]
Note: it is not always necessary to aggregate simulation outputs, but aggregation saves considerable computation time and disk space when applying many simulation results to real experimental data.
We provide a Python script script/ein/ein.py
to apply EINSim results to experimental data. ein.py
can be run as follows:
$ ./path/to/script/ein/ein.py <simulation data filename> [<simulation data filename> ...] -e <experimental data filename>
Experimental data files use same format as simulation outputs for convenience. However, most of the parameters are ignored and may be set to -1.
Under example
, we provide several example configuration files for both ECC schemes and error models. These can be used as inputs to EINSim as alternatives to passing command-line arguments and are intended to simplify the use of complicated configurations and uses that include automation.
EINSim tag “full-size-dataset-v1.0” provides full working examples of running EINSim end-to-end, including the simulation data used in our paper [1]. Because this EINSim release is not fully backwards-compatible with the initial release, please refer to the README within tag “full-size-dataset-v1.0” for instructions on how to run the original version.
The current version of the simulator is provided as-is under the MIT license.
The following libraries are used and are located under lib
with their own license:
The BCH encoding/decoding helper functions are found under src/codes/bch_helpers* and are adapted from bch3.c found at http://eccpage.com/. The original license provided by the author, Robert Morelos-Zaragoza, is retained along with a brief description of the modifications we have made.
Please cite the following paper when using EINSim: