Scripts and tools for Garni Meteo devices.
This simple php script gets data values from your Garni Meteo Station and converts everything to JSON file on your server. You need to setup few things before start.
In your Garni device, you should add your domain where you will save you JSON file, for example
Check your php script if everything works OK. Go to your website in browser:
Now you should find file garni.json in data directory
In garni.json file you should see these information
Also, this is output of php script. You should see same information in your browser.
If you see correct testing information in browser and also in file, close your browser and never use testing URL again. Now, try start your Garni Meteo device and insert there correct domain name (only). You should see data values from your device in garni.json file.
If you want switch off php output, please comment this line in php script
// echo $export;