项目作者: AnyDSL

项目描述 :
Regular Expression Matcher generator using Just-In-Time Compilation
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/AnyDSL/regex.git
创建时间: 2019-05-03T14:18:38Z




This project demonstrates how to use partial evaluation in conjunction with Just-In-Time compilation.
The presented program takes a regular expression and generates efficient code to match this regular expression against a string.


In order to build this program, you must install AnyDSL, and enable Just-In-Time compilation in the runtime.
Once this is done, you can build this project by typing from the root directory:

  1. mkdir build
  2. cd build
  3. cmake .. -DAnyDSL_runtime_DIR=<path to AnyDSL runtime config>
  4. make -j

Usually, the path to the AnyDSL runtime config is in <AnyDSL root dir>/runtime/build/share/anydsl/cmake.


To run the program from the build directory, type:

  1. src/regex <regular expression> <string to match>