项目作者: vincent-herlemont

项目描述 :
Bazel demo data pipeline
高级语言: Starlark
项目地址: git://github.com/vincent-herlemont/bazel-pipeline-demo.git
创建时间: 2020-11-03T15:23:33Z




Provide a full Bazel example using multi-languages of a simple data pipeline with sensors, consumers, queues, dispatchers, databases, api(back), web(front). The choices of languages and technologies apart from bazel are arbitrary.

In this repository you can found an integration between Bazel and these technologies.


Each service corresponds to a folder at the root repository.

  • ./senror Go : Send an random number to dispatcher.

  • ./dispatcher Go : Wait data from sensor(s) and send them to rabbitmqp.

  • ./rabbitmq Rabbitmq services

  • ./consumer Rust : Retrieved from rabbitmqp store data to Postgresql.

  • ./postgresql Postgresql services

  • ./graphql Node/Apollo : Create api from Postgresql data.

  • ./web (JS & Node) : Display data from graphql endpoint. (Can be outsourced of the cluster, hosted by Vercel for example).

Bazel one command for all code deliveries steps.

Bazel allow to describe and bring together all steps of code delivery
with multiple languages.


Add this env variables to your .bashrc or .profil or others init shell file.

  1. export REGISTRY=docker.local:5000/pipeline-demo
  2. export CLUSTER=minikube
  3. export REGISTRY_AUTH=False
  4. export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=admin123
  5. export RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=guest
  • Build all $> bazel build //...

Get started (locally)

  • Start a local docker registry

    1. docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry registry:2
  • Install minikube and kubectl

  • Start minikube with insecure docker registry (local registry)

    1. minikube start --insecure-registry "docker.local:5000"
  • Go inside minikube with $> minikube ssh. We have to allow services inside minikube to reach docker.local:5000.

    • Install vim $> sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y vim
    • Edit sudo vim /etc/hosts
    • Add docker.local entry with the ip of the host host.minikube.internal
      • Entry example : docker.local
    • ⚠️ You must do it after each time that minikube start.
  • Add ingress addon $> minikube addons enable ingress. Ingress allow to reach http services inside k8s.

  • Open the dashboard with $> minikube dashboard. This web app allow to display the big picture of the k8s state.

  • Run all bazel run //:all.create

  • Reach nginx-ingress IP, the entry point of all applications.

  1. # Command :
  2. $> kubectl get ingress nginx-ingress
  3. # Ouput :
  5. nginx-ingress <none> * 80 13m


  • Requirements google-auth, install with command pip install google-auth

  • Run tests bazel test //...

Test live (use ibazel) and debug (use --test_output=all)

  1. # Example with dispatcher
  2. ibazel test //dispatcher:test --test_output=all


Build, deploy and test (unit, and integration test)

  1. bazel run //:apps.apply && bazel test //...

Need more faster 🚀! You can restrict the scope of build and deployment.
Example by deploying only the dispatcher.

  1. bazel run //dispatcher:app.apply && bazel test //...

You can also restrict tests.
Example by executing only dispatcher unit tests.

  1. bazel run //dispatcher:app.apply && bazel test //dispatcher:test
  • Development front standalone. Use NextJS with endpoint mapping from localcluster.
    1. $> ./web/run.sh
    2. ...
    3. ready - started server on http://localhost:3000
    4. ...


Add dependencies

  • Add dependecies to Cargo.toml
  • Run cargo raze in the package folder


Add dependencies

  • Add dependencies to go.mod
  • Run bazel run //:gazelle -- update-repos -from_file=<service directory>/go.mod



Local/Remote stream log : Stern display pod log, example stern <podname>.


Package //util/tools provide some shortcuts for get service urls or cluster urls in development mode.

  1. $> cd <project WORKSPACE path>
  2. $> bazel build //util/tools
  3. $> ./bazel-bin/util/tools/tools
  4. Usage: tools.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
  5. Options:
  6. --help Show this message and exit.
  7. Commands:
  8. get-cluster-url
  9. get-service-url



Lock file update and generation have to do manually, emaple with front package.

  1. cd ./front/
  2. npm i --package-lock-only