A collection of older Starcraft: Brood War hacks.
A collection of older Starcraft: Brood War hacks.
A simple hack that displays a clock with the current time on the top resources bar of BW. Works for BW version 1.16.1.
Basic drag-and-drop interface for StarCraft: Brood War 1.16.1. Draws a dot every other space to simulate a transparent effect.
A trainer for SC:BW 1.15.1 that modifies your minerals and gas in a single-player game. Makes use of a thread to listen for a key-press to activate.
Both a C++ and asm version are available.
Brood War Drag-and-Drop Stathack (BWDDS) is a hack that displays all the players’ minerals using an interface built from Drag_and_Drop_GUI. Works for BW version 1.16.1.
A simple hook that demonstrates displaying static text using BW’s internal print text function.
A bunch of random addresses related to patch 1.16.1.
push y
mov eax, text
mov esi, x
CALL StarCraf.004202B0 ;PrintText
References in StarCraf:.text to 004202B0
Address Disassembly Comment
00416967 CALL StarCraf.004202B0 - chat text(while typing)
00457525 CALL StarCraf.004202B0 - armor/weapon upgrade text(numbers)
00458FDC CALL StarCraf.004202B0 - mineral amount when buying a unit
004590DC CALL StarCraf.004202B0 - unit name, move, stop commands in boxes
004E556F CALL StarCraf.004202B0 - minerals/gas/etc.
004EF987 CALL StarCraf.004202B0 - unit information
00417BFE CALL StarCraf.004202B0 - main menu text
push height
push width
push x
mov esi,y
call StarCraf.004E1C70
push height
push width
push y
push x
call StarCraf.004E1D20
add ax,word ptr ds:[006CDDC8h] ;mouse cords y
add bx,word ptr ds:[006CDDC4h] ;mouse cords X
004D2355 6A 04 PUSH 4 ; /Arg1 = 00000004
004D2357 B8 02000000 MOV EAX,2 ; |
004D235C E8 5FF6FFFF CALL StarCraf.004D19C0 ; \StarCraf.004D19C0
004D2361 |. 5F POP EDI
;lmousebutton down
57eeeb - player 1 name
57ef0f - p2
57ef33 - p3
57ef57 - etc.