Sia Skynet client
This library enables all C# developers in the world to use SkyDB.
One of the most exciting features of this SDK is the full compatibility with Blazor WebAssembly. Blazor allows you to create C# apps and run them entirely in the browser using WebAssembly. The app can then be uploaded to Skynet for hosting.
Combining the large C# ecosystem with the power of SkyDB and the speed of WebAssembly makes this solution ready for a decentralized future!
Try out the Sample App
or watch the Video demo
Also see SkyDocs
Sia Skynet client
See included test project and Blazor sample app.
Install: SiaSkynet on NuGet
Initialize the client
var _client = new SiaSkynetClient();
Upload a file
string fileName = "test.txt";
using (var fileStream = File.OpenRead(fileName))
var response = await _client.UploadFileAsync(fileName, fileStream);
var skylink = response.Skylink;
Download a file
string skylink = "AAAAQZg5XQJimI9FGR73pOiC2PnflFRh03Z4azabKz6bVw";
using (var response = await _client.DownloadFileAsStreamAsync(skylink))
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(response))
string text = await sr.ReadToEndAsync();
Use these methods if you also want the original filename and content type.
Support for SkyDB
Set and get values on SkyDB:
var key = await SiaSkynetClient.GenerateKeys("my private key seed");
var success = await _client.SkyDbSetAsString(key.privateKey, key.publicKey, "datakey", "data");
string result = await _client.SkyDbGetAsString(key.publicKey, "datakey");
Assert.AreEqual("data", result);
SkyDB uses the Skynet Registry, it’s also possible to interact with the registry using API’s:
which performs a get and a set with a new revision numberAre you using SiaSkynet? Get your app listed here! Edit this page and send a pull request.