Test Framework for Apache Drill
Test Framework for SQL on Hadoop technologies. Currently supports Apache Drill, a
schema-free SQL query engine for Hadoop, NoSQL and cloud storage.
The framework is built for regression, integration & sanity testing. Includes test coverage (with baselines) for
core Drill functionality, and supported features. The Apache Drill community uses the framework for for pre-commit
regression testing and as part of the release criteria.
To begin using the test framework, you need to build the project and download dependent
datasets (configured in pom.xml).
git clone git@github.com:mapr/drill-test-framework.git
cd drill-test-framework
bin/build_framework -Pdownload
If you’ve already downloaded the datasets previously, you can simply skip the download.
In the root directory of your repository, execute the following command to run tests:
bin/run_tests -s <suites> -g <groups> -t <Timeout> -x <Exclude> -n <Concurrency> -d
bin/run_tests -s Functional/aggregates,Functional/joins -g functional -x hbase -t 180 -n 20 -d
-s suites (required)
Here, ‘Functional/aggregates,Functional/joins’ are directories inside
framework/resources/Functional. All directories
within this parent directory are included
-g groups (required)
Here, ‘functional’ is category of tests to execute
-t timeout (optional)
Here, ‘180’ seconds is the max time for a query to execute
-d data generation (required on first run and upon pulling in new changes. Optional otherwise)
Here, it turns on data copy and data generation
-n concurrency (optional)
Here, ‘20’ queries can execute concurrently
-x exclude dependencies (optional)
Here, any ‘hbase’ test suites within the specified directory are excluded
-h help (optional)
Use this option to provide the usage of the command, which includes additional options
We encourage contributions from users! You can fix bugs, make enhancements or add new tests. Create a PR here on GitHub for your change.
Refer to CONTRIBUTING.md for details on the test framework structure and instructions on how to contribute.
Licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Please see LICENSE.md