Scala KairosDB driver
A feature-complete Scala library to talk to KairosDB, a time series database.
Add this to your build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "io.waylay.kairosdb" %% "kairosdb-scala" % "x.x.x"
snapshots are available at:
See the examples
project for some examples.
If you want to test this project out on the REPL, clone it, switch to the examples project (project examples
), run sbt console
, and enter :load repl/repl.scala
to get started quickly.
Configuration is done by creating a KairosDBConfig
instance. The defaults are to connect to a local KairosDB on port 8080.
To make the library more pleasant to use, implicits are provided in io.waylay.kairosdb.driver.Implicits
import io.waylay.kairosdb.driver.Implicits._
KairosDB supports numbers and strings. These are represented as KNumber
and KString
. Implicit conversions are provided.
scala> val a = KNumber(1111)
a: io.waylay.kairosdb.driver.models.KairosCompatibleType.KNumber = KNumber(1111)
scala> val b = KString("test")
b: io.waylay.kairosdb.driver.models.KairosCompatibleType.KString = KString(test)
scala> val c: KNumber = 1111
c: io.waylay.kairosdb.driver.models.KairosCompatibleType.KNumber = KNumber(1111)
scala> val d: KString = "test"
d: io.waylay.kairosdb.driver.models.KairosCompatibleType.KString = KString(test)
You can insert data points with a single value, but you can also batch insert data points with the same tags, ttl and metric name.
scala> val dp = DataPointWithSingleValue("scala.powerlevel", 9001,, Seq(Tag("some", "tag")), Some(5.minutes))
dp: io.waylay.kairosdb.driver.models.DataPointWithSingleValue = DataPointWithSingleValue(MetricName(scala.powerlevel),KNumber(9001),2016-08-11T09:25:09.498Z,List(Tag(some,tag)),Some(5 minutes))
scala> val dp2 = DataPoint("scala.powerlevel", 9001,, Seq(Tag("some", "tag")), Some(5.minutes))
dp2: io.waylay.kairosdb.driver.models.DataPointWithSingleValue = DataPointWithSingleValue(MetricName(scala.powerlevel),KNumber(9001),2016-08-11T09:25:28.639Z,List(Tag(some,tag)),Some(5 minutes))
scala> val values: Seq[(Instant, KairosCompatibleType)] = Seq(Instant.ofEpochMilli(1000) -> 10, Instant.ofEpochMilli(2000) -> 20)
values: Seq[(java.time.Instant, io.waylay.kairosdb.driver.models.KairosCompatibleType)] = List((1970-01-01T00:00:01Z,KNumber(10)), (1970-01-01T00:00:02Z,KNumber(20)))
scala> val dps = DataPointWithMultipleValues("scala.powerlevel", values, Seq(Tag("shared", "yes"), Tag("cool", "very")))
dps: io.waylay.kairosdb.driver.models.DataPointWithMultipleValues = DataPointWithMultipleValues(MetricName(scala.powerlevel),List((1970-01-01T00:00:01Z,KNumber(10)), (1970-01-01T00:00:02Z,KNumber(20))),List(Tag(shared,yes), Tag(cool,very)),None)
scala> kairosDB.addDataPoint(dp).map(_ => println("Inserted data point!"))
res2: scala.concurrent.Future[Unit] = List()
Inserted data point!
scala> kairosDB.addDataPoint(dps).map(_ => println("Inserted data point with multiple values!"))
res4: scala.concurrent.Future[Unit] = List()
Inserted data point with multiple values!
scala> kairosDB.addDataPoints(Seq(dp, dps)).map(_ => println("Inserted multiple data points!"))
res6: scala.concurrent.Future[Unit] = List()
Inserted multiple data points!
You can build queries with the QueryMetrics
class. It allows to send multiple queries at once.
Firing off the query is done with KairosDB#queryMetrics
. KairosDB#queryMetricTags
and KairosDB#deleteDataPoints
also accept a QueryMetrics
This library supports all current KairosDB functionality.
Name | Supported | Unit tests | Integration tests |
List metric names | X | X | X |
List tag names | X | X | X |
List tag values | X | X | |
Health status | X | X | X |
Health check | X | X | X |
Version | X | X | X |
Delete metric | X | X | X |
Add data points | X | X | X |
Delete data points | X | X | X |
Query metric tags | X | X | X |
Aggregators | X | X | |
Query metrics | See below | ||
Authentication | X |
Name | Supported | Unit tests | Integration tests |
Grouping | X | X | |
Aggregators | X | X | |
Filtering | X | X | |
Start and end times | X | X | |
Cache time | X | X | |
Response | X | X |
Type | Package | Function |
Unit tests | unit.* |
Verifies the generated JSON against expected JSON |
Integration tests | integration.* |
Starts up KairosDB as a Docker instance and queries that |
The integration tests use docker-it-scala
. You might have to export DOCKER_HOST=unix:///var/run/docker.sock
to make it work. Since Docker is used, you don’t need a local KairosDB to test against.
You can run the unit tests with test
and the integration tests with it:test
. See here for more information on integration tests with sbt.
is used for releases. Use sbt release
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Manually publishing the ScalaDocs can be done with the following command:
$ sbt ghpagesPushSite