public feed:
master branch may be unstable since it is in development, please switch to tags, for example: editor/4.25.0
How to Run Demo Project before purchase:(Only for Win64 editor build, no source code)
The goal of this plugin is to provide a dialogue framework that can easily integrate story telling in your game using blueprint.
Supported UnrealEngine version: 4.22-5.4
Put HorizonUIPlugin, HorizonTweenPlugin and HorizonDialoguelugin into YOUR_PROJECT/Plugins folder,
and then add module to your project
PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { “HorizonUI”, “HorizonTween”, “HorizonFramework”, “HorizonDialogue”});
Here is basic process of creating a DialogueScene.
Support many DialogueEvent:
WidgetEvents: CreateDialogueMsg, CreateDialogueTalkerNameAndMsg, CreateDialogueMsgWithParam, CreateDialogueMsgWithParamEx, CreateDialogueTextBlock, CreateDialogueImage2D, CreateDialogueUserWidget, CreateDialogueFlipbook, CreateDialogueChoice, CreateDialogueSetWidgetList.
ActionEvents: CreateDialogueWaitPendingAction, CreateDialogueWaitDuration, CreateDialogueWaitClick.
SceneEvents: CreateDialogueChangeScene, CreateDialoguePopScene, CreateDialoguePushScene.
SoundEvents: CreateDialogueSound.
Automatically widget visibility control: Target Widget will visible when DialogueEvent start and hide after finished,
Every DialogueEvent has following callbacks: OnDialogueEventPreStart, OnDialogueEventStart, OnDialogueEventFinished. You can add any custom actions here.
Control speed of Auto process or Skip DialogueEvents.
DialogueHistoryManager and DialogueHistoryTileView
Code Modules: HorizonDialogue(Runtime), HorizonDialogueEditor(Editor), HorizonFramework(Runtime), HorizonFrameworkEditor(Editor), HorizonTween(Runtime), HorizonUI(Runtime)
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Win64, Mac, Linux
Supported Target Build Platforms: All Platforms
Tested Platform: Win64, Android
Example Project:
Important/Additional Notes:
This plugin integrated functions of my other plugins, all features and codes in following plugins are included:
The intent of this plugin is to provide a framework that can integrate story telling feature in games.
[BugFix] Fix FHorizonDialogueEventMsgDataTable can’t assign DataTable
[BugFix] Fix MsgFromDataTable crash
[Refactor] RawPointer to TObjectPtr
Update to 5.3.0
Update HorizonUI to 5.3.0
Update HorizonTween to 5.3.0
Update HorizonFramework to 5.3.0
[BugFix] Fix FHorizonDialogueEventMsgDataTable can’t assign DataTable
[BugFix] Fix MsgFromDataTable crash
[DialogueActionLibrary] Support UHorizonDialogueMsgTextBlock for Tween Widget Color Action
[Refactor][Break][DialogueEvent] Fix AddTweenEvent param from pTweenEvent to InTweenEvent
[DialogueHistoryTileView] Refactor and inherited from UHorizonTileView
Update HorizonUI to 5.2.0
Update HorizonTween to 5.2.0
Update HorizonFramework to 5.2.0
[DialogueQueueComponent] Expose member to protected so it can be modified by it’s child
AB#2647 [DialogueFunctionLibrary] ShouldStopAutoOrSkipEventOnDialogueSceneRemoved for DialogueQueueComponent
Update HorizonUI to 5.1.0
Update HorizonTween to 5.1.0
Update HorizonFramework to 5.1.0
[BugFix][WaitDuration] Fix WaitDuration InitProcess not breaking
[Refactor] Check nullptr before use for some functions
Update HorizonUI to 5.0.1
[BugFix] Should call NotifyCustomizationModuleChanged when RegisterCustomClassLayout/UnRegisterCustomClassLayout
Update HorizonUI to 5.0.0
Update HorizonTween to 5.0.0
Update HorizonFramework to 5.0.0
[BugFix] Fix missing category in HorizonDialogueType
[BugFix] Fix Sonarqube bug warning
[BugFix] potentially uninitialized local pointer variable ‘pOutActor’ used
[New][Event] Implement EventName for all DialogueEventParameter Implementation
[Refactor] Don’t Add to DialogueEventImag if WidgetName is none when CreateDialogueTalkerNameAndMsgWithImage
[New] Use FHorizonDialogueEventImageParameters for TalkWithImage and TalkWithImageSequence
[BugFix] Crash if we promote input pin to variable for Custom SGraphNodePin
[Performance] Implement DECLARE_HORIZONDIALOGUE_QUICK_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER for performance measure
[Submodule] Source\HorizonUI
[BugFix] Hotfix Explicit PCH compile error
[Optimization] Add PrivatePCHHeaderFile to .Build.cs to optimizae build speed
[Refactor][DialogueQueue] Use DialogueScene to check if we need dequeue instead of SceneManager
[New][HorizonDialogueQueueComponent] Use Default SceneManager
[New][HorizonDialogueFunctionLibrary] Implement GetDialogueQueue
[New] Implement HorizonDialogueQueueComponent with DialogueContext Support
Update HorizonUI to 4.27.0
Update HorizonTween to 4.27.0
Update HorizonFramework to 4.27.0
[New] Implement HorizonDialogueGraphPanelPinFactory that can show image and text in BP Nodes.
[New] Implement New DialogueEvents: HorizonDialogueEventDisplayPaper2DActor, HorizonDialogueEventDisplayPaperFlipbookActor, HorizonDialogueEventDisplaySkeletalMeshActor, HorizonDialogueEventDisplayPaperSpriteActor, HorizonDialogueEventSetActorList and HorizonDialogueEventPlayLevelSequence.
[Refactor] Use RemoveScene instead of PopScene when DialogueEventListFinished
[BugFix][HorizonDialogueEngine] CreateDialogueMsgWithParam should Check if UserWidget exist
[Refactor] bAutoEvent, bSkipEvent and Implement FHorizonDialogueDelegates::OnProcessSkipEventNative
[BugFix][HorizonDialogueEventDisplayChoice] clear ChoiceButtonList before GetWidgetFromName
[BugFix] FHorizonDialogueDelegates::OnDialogueEventPreStartNative should be called in DialogueEventStart
[Refactor] Don’t need RestartEditor when bEnableHistory now
[New] Implement GetTargetWidget for Dialogue Events
[New] Implement FHorizonDialogueDelegates::OnDialogueEventFinished and FHorizonDialogueDelegates::OnChoiceButtonClickedNative
[Refactor] Remove HorizonDialogueHistoryManager and move functions to HorizonDialogueSystem
[New] Implement FHorizonDialogueDelegates::OnDialogueEventStartNative for all DialogueEvent
AB#1675 AB#1109 [New][DialogueEvent] Implement TalkSequence, MsgSequence
[Refactor][HorizonDialogueFunctionLibrary] SpawnSound should use const FHorizonDialogueEventSoundParameters
[New] Implement and Refactor SoundSpawnMethod for Dialogue Event
[New][HorizonDialogueEvent] Implement AddTagUnique, GetTags
[New][HorizonDialogueEventDisplayChoice] Implement GetChoiceButtonList
[New][HorizonDialogueEngine] Implement GetCurrentEvent
[New][HorizonDialogueHistoryI] GetItemObject
[BugFix][HorizonDialogueEventDisplayChoice] Fix Choice event logic for GoToEventByTag
[New][HorizonDialogueEngine] Implement GoToEventIndex, GoToEventByTag
[Refactor][HorizonDialogueHistoryManager] OnDialogueEventPreStart callback implementation adjust
[Refactor] Coding style
Update HorizonUI to 4.27.0
Update HorizonTween to 4.27.0
Update HorizonFramework to 4.27.0
Update HorizonUI to 4.25
Update HorizonTween to 4.25
Update HorizonFramework to 4.25
Update HorizonUI to 4.24
Update HorizonTween to 4.24
Update HorizonFramework to 4.24
BugFix: [HorizonDialogueScene] Fix Editor crash
New: Update to 4.23
BugFix: Fix using Flipbook in UHorizonDialogueMsgTextBlock
NEW: First Version including core features.