项目作者: TArong

项目描述 :
Doll'ar,P。和Zitnick,C。L. 2015.使用结构化森林进行快速边缘检测。关于模式分析和机器智能的IEEE交易37(8):1558-1570
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/TArong/Fast-edge-detection-using-structured-forests.git


The original algorithm is from the paper: Doll´ar, P., and Zitnick, C. L. 2015. Fast edge detection using structured forests. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 37(8):1558–1570.

However, I also added a small edge enhancement algorithm on it.

The file edge-detection-algorithms.pdf contains a review paper of three edge detection and segmentation papers, and a detail of my implementation.