Covid-19 Whatsapp Bot
Corona Notifier is a Whatsapp automatic notification robot using MQTT & nodeJS. The Corona Service will collect latest data about the COVID-19 indonesian case from indonesia-covid-19-api by mathdroid
This project require MQTT broker, nodeJS
Clone this project
> git clone
> cd CoronaNotifier
Install the dependencies:
> npm i
Edit MQTT topic in .env file:
run the Whatsapp bot
> node index.js
after running it you need to scan the qr
run the corona service
> node CoronaService\corona.js
(WARNING: This is only available with Bahasa Language)
This bot is for covid-19 information purpose by automatically answer for available data, by using the available command :
!corona => ........
!aktif => .......
!mati => ......
Negara: xx
COVID-19 Update!!
Total Kasus: xx
Kasus Baru: xx
Total Pasien: xx
Sembuh: xx
Sembuh Baru: xx
Presentase Sembuh: xx.xx%
Meninggal: xx
Meninggal Baru: xx
Presentase Meninggal: xx.xx%
Dicek pada: xxx, xx xxxx 2020 | xx.xx WIB