项目作者: kondratevakate

项目描述 :
Baseline machine learning models for neuroimaging vectorised data: Neuro Baseline Bot
高级语言: Jupyter Notebook
项目地址: git://github.com/kondratevakate/neurobot.git
创建时间: 2020-07-17T16:36:18Z




Baseline machine learning models for neuroimaging vectorized data: Neuroimaging Baseline Bot

Plug-and-play pipeline for classification models with adaptive grid-search, dimensionality reduction, model selection with extensive validation. Helpful for small samples with high-dimensional feature set, and written for classification on morphometrical or functional connectivity data in MRI studies. Yet suitable for all small samples with lots of correlated features.

Model validation includes repeated cross-validation, loo validation, and bootstrapping to ensure model stability.

Go to /tutorials/classification_linear_grid_tutorial for more details.

Pictured morprometry study in brain MR imaging. img