Ansi-C 3D Library
Some codes are derived from GLScene project (
I needed a basic ansi-c 3D library for another project of mine so I started
this project. I implemented my own needs within the library.
Documenting the library in README is a heavy job so instead, best documentation
is the code itself. So you may find the needed information in header files.
And for the use cases, you can refer to tests/test.c
BBee Build tool is already inside the repo (
To compile the library (to build/libansic3d.a):
python bbee
To install the library:
python bbee --install
To compile and run the tests
python bbee --i=test.json
Or just run to compule and install the library and run the tests.
$ bbee --i=test.json
Building using gcc
Collecting files
Building ./tests/test.c
Running build/test
TestCloneVector [OK]
TestAddVector [OK]
TestSubVector [OK]
TestScaleVector [OK]
TestCrossProduct [OK]
TestNormalizeVector [OK]
TestDivideVector [OK]
TestPerpendicularVector [OK]
TestRotateAroundX [OK]
TestRotateAroundY [OK]
TestRotateAroundZ [OK]
TestVectorLength [OK]
TestDotProduct [OK]
TestVectorNorm [OK]
TestVectorDistance [OK]
TestPlaceNormal [OK]
TestInitVectorList [OK]
TestPushVector [OK]
TestFreeVectorList [OK]
TestPopVector [OK]
TestRemoveLastVector [OK]
TestTrimVectorList [OK]
TestHomogeneousMatrix [OK]
TestCreateScaleMatrix [OK]
TestCreateTranslationMatrix [OK]
TestCreateScaleAndTranslationMatrix [OK]
TestCreateRotationMatrixX [OK]
TestCreateRotationMatrixY [OK]
TestCreateRotationMatrixZ [OK]
TestCreateRotationMatrix [OK]
TestMultiplyMatrix [OK]
TestVectorTransform [OK]
TestMatrixDeterminant [OK]
TestAdjointMatrix [OK]
TestScaleMatrix [OK]
TestInvertMatrix [OK]
TestTransposeMatrix [OK]
TestLookAtMatrix [OK]
sinan islekdemir |
I only compiled the code under MacOs so let me know if it works for you too.