项目作者: Mohamed-94

项目描述 :
Colony, a unity game demonstration of Emergence and Chaos theory.
高级语言: C#
项目地址: git://github.com/Mohamed-94/colony.git
创建时间: 2020-10-06T10:58:09Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0



Introduction to Emergence , Chaos theory and NonLinear Dynamics

Emergence is part of Chaos theory which is a part of Dynamics the branch of mathematics that deals with non-linear systems in our universe a.k.a chaotic systems, One property of these Systems is that the prediction of their future status is impossible due to the huge shifts made by the slightly changes of their initial conditions.

Emergence on the other hand is when the sum of the system’s elements is not equal to the whole system, meaning when a group of creatures perform a task that can not be performed by one of their elements alone.

examples include: (Ant colony, Humane society and the universal economy).

you can find more about Emergence and Chaos theory


Colony is a simple unity project trying to demonstrate the properties of emergence and chaos through a game with very simple set of rules and initial conditions.
the goal is to make it as simple as possible to get a closer emergence experience,
it creates a hurricane pattern like a few minutes after being played.

three rules

in this game I’ve defined a simple rules with specific initial conditions to begin with..
the three rules are as follows :

1- green birds follow red birds

2- red birds follow yellow birds

3- yellow birds follow green birds

so simple huh..

how it works

the game is developed using unity v.2019
there are ten birds from each color and every color has a single script (three scripts in total)
every bird has a box collider and can fly from right to left and go backwards,
upon every interaction between birds (the colliders) the above rules get applied.

after a few minutes some random bird will take over the screen and all other birds will start following him.

wierd results

although the rules and the initial conditions are very simple and easy managed, you will get a different result each time you play the game even though the initial conditions haven’t changed!.
