Functional Scala wrapper for FoundationDB Java client.
This is a functional Scala wrapper for Java FoundationDB driver.
Goal of it is to provide easy to use access to FoundationDB from Scala.
If you are using FoundationDB in your Scala project already, please contact me.
Main part of the wrapper its an algebra which represents the DSL to manipulate with transactions.
val fdb = FoundationDB.connect(600, "path/to/fdb.cluster")
import fdb.syntax._
for {
_ <- set("key", 1)
_ <- set("key", 2)
result <- get[String, Int]("key")
_ <- clear("key")
} yield result
We abstracted you over the Tuples and byte arrays that used in java driver.
Our macros will generate correct representation of your data in FoundationDB Tuples.
case class SomeStorageModel(a: String, b: Int, c: String)
set("key", SomeStorageModel("1", 2, "3"))
Instead of manually wrapping all the keys into subspaces, just implicitly provide the subspace to the library and it will do it for you.
implicit val subspace = Subspace("my-great-subspace")
// Now this query executed in defined subspace
for {
_ <- set("key", 1)
result <- get[String, Int]("key")
} yield result
We supporting inmemory runner for the DSL which emulates FoundationDB and tested with the same test spec as real database interpreter.
To use it, just inject different implementation of FoundationDB class in your parameters.
import me.archdev.foundationdb._
import me.archdev.foundationdb.namespaces._
val fdb = FoundationDB.connect(600, "path/to/fdb.cluster")
implicit val subspace: Subspace =
fdb.openDirectorySync(Seq("my", "directory", "path")).buildSubspace("test_subspace")
import fdb.syntax._
for {
_ <- set("key", SomeStorageModel("1", 2, "3"))
_ <- set("key2", "value2")
result <- get[String, SomeStorageModel]("key")
_ <- clear("key2")
} yield result
We are compatible with 6.0.15 FoundationDB Java driver version.
Currently, there is no maven release for this version, so please, attach FoundationDB Java driver manually in build.sbt.
libraryDependencies += "" % "foundationdb" % "6.0.15" from ""
libraryDependencies += "me.archdev" %% "foundation-db-scala" % "0.1.5"
resolvers ++= Seq(
Copyright (C) 2018 Arthur Kushka.
Distributed under the MIT License.
Wanna ask me something or stay in touch?
Follow my Twitter @arhelmus