项目作者: AndersonUyekita

项目描述 :
ND110 - Udacity Course - Data Science I - Foundations Nanodegree Program
高级语言: Jupyter Notebook
项目地址: git://github.com/AndersonUyekita/ND110_data_science_foundations_01.git

ND110 - Data Science I - Nanodegree Foundation

This is the first course of the Nanodegree of Data Science from Udacity.


  • Author : AH Uyekita
  • Dedication : 10 hours/week (suggested)
  • Start : 05/12/2018
  • End : 14/12/2018
  • Title : Data Science I - Foundations Nanodegree Program


Finish the course in less than two weeks.



This course is divided into three chapters and two projects.

Repository Structure

I have structured the repository folder in this way:

  1. ND110_data_science_foundation_02
  2. |
  3. +-- 01-Chapter_01
  4. | |
  5. | +-- README.md # General information
  6. |
  7. +-- 02-Chapter_02
  8. | |
  9. | +-- README.md # General information
  10. | +-- 00-Project_01 # Project 01
  11. | +-- 01-Lesson_01 # Files from Lesson 01
  12. | | +-- README.md # Notes from Lesson 01 from Chapter 02
  13. | +-- 02-Lesson_02 # Files from Lesson 02
  14. | | +-- README.md # Notes from Lesson 02 from Chapter 02
  15. | .
  16. |
  17. +-- 03-Chapter_03
  18. | |
  19. | +-- README.md # General information
  20. | +-- 00-Project_02 # Project 02
  21. | +-- 01-Lesson_01 # Files from Lesson 01
  22. | | +-- README.md # Notes from Lesson 01 from Chapter 02
  23. | +-- 02-Lesson_02 # Files from Lesson 02
  24. | | +-- README.md # Notes from Lesson 02 from Chapter 02
  25. | .

Best practice

Atom + Hydrogen

How to fix my problem.

  1. Git Bash in root and run:
  1. python -m pip install ipykernel
  2. python -m ipykernel install --user


How to open Jupyter Notebook

In Anaconda Prompt:

  1. jupyter notebook --notebook-dir='D:/'