Scrapping Facebook with JavaScript.
Scrapping Facebook with JavaScript.
Go to a Facebook page where there’s a list of people with pictures of them. e.g.: someone’s friends, group participants…
Open the console. In Chrome is ctrl + shift + j
Copy and paste the script, hit enter.
Wait. As my internet is kinda slow, I choose a 3 second time interval between each page scroll, to give it more time to load; but you can change that.
Find people on Facebook by photo.
The audio on the video below is in portuguese. And it’s almost all blurred, cause I dont know if I can show other people on my videos
Set the varible imgToFind with the address of the picture you want to search.
Go to a Facebook page where there’s a list of people with pictures of them. e.g.: someone’s friends, group participants…
Open the console. In Chrome is ctrl + shift + j
Copy and paste the script, hit enter.
The script will log the probables results.
I’m not responsable for anything you do with these scripts.