项目作者: perillaroc

项目描述 :
a tiny meteorological data converter
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/perillaroc/porter.git
创建时间: 2014-08-15T15:56:15Z

开源协议:MIT License



Porter is perillaroc-data-converter

codebeat badge

A simple NWPC data tool for processing and trancoding.

It is currently supported to convert GrADS binary data to MICAPS type 4 data.


Download the latest code from Github and install using:

  1. python setup.py install

Getting started

Follow the steps below to convert GrADS binary data to MICAPS.4 data:

  1. Create a config file.

    See example config files in directory porter/config.

  2. Run the porter command.

    1. porter grads-convert config-file-path-list

    config-file-path-list is config file list。

Config file

A simple config file for grads-convert:

  1. ctl: "path-to-ctl-file"
  2. output_dir: "output-dir"
  3. start_time: "YYYYMMDDHH"
  4. forecast_time: "HHH"
  5. records:
  6. -
  7. name: "variable name"
  8. level: 1000
  9. level_type: "level_type(default multi)"
  10. target_type: "type to be converted to (such as micaps.4)"
  11. value: "value expr in which x is the original value(such sa 'x - 273.16')"


porter refers to some transcoding projects created by two predecessors.
Due to privacy issues, I can not write their contact information.
Thanks to their wonderful programs, and I benefit from their codes greatly.


Copyright © 2014-2019 Perilla Roc.

porter is licensed under The MIT License.