项目作者: zhabis

项目描述 :
Vidya - Fullstack JS Framework
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/zhabis/vidya.git
创建时间: 2018-05-27T22:28:58Z

开源协议:MIT License



Vidya JS - a full stack client + server Java Script Framework.

Full stack runs on:

  • Server - core modules use pure ES6+ and run on Node.js free from browser-specific and server-specific dependencies
  • Client - browser/HTML + SPA stack + MVC + Full UI library of 10+ base widgets done in a classic RAD (Rapid Application Development) style

To clarify: one may use Vidya without UI stack in Node apps on the server. Vidya may be used as a library or framework.

For client programming, Vidya borrows from the influence of React+Flux event-less programming based on action flows
which get dispatched into controllers. Like in a typical server MVC app, Controllers access data, services, and fill models feeding them into views. Views are controls, written in LJS (Laconic Java Script). They do smart control-level model version differencing
(before DOM generation), releaving memory pressure and working faster (no need to store and do DOM tree diff every time).


The core is under 60Kb uncompressed. The full framework (core+UI) is under 150Kb uncompressed.

Latest Java Script Standard

Vidya is a project done form scratch to take advantage of the latest ECMA standartization features.
As of May 2018, most modern browsers support the cutting edge JS features out-of-box, however you may want to
transpile for a borader audience (see WebPack Babel setup scripts).

The cutting edge Java Script Library engineered around ES6 - ECMA2017:

  • Classes - “classic” OOP; convenient paradigm for business/data centric complex apps
  • Asynchronous Flows / Promises (async/await); forget callback hell and focus on algorithmic sequence
  • Iterable + Deferred execution a-la LINQ (influenced by .NET framework); work with complex data models with almost no code
  • Generators; awesome feature for gradual execution (paired with Iterable)
  • Symbols, string literals etc..; things that just make sense!

Functionality Coverage / Features

  • Averments (checks a-la Assert -> Aver)
  • Type coercion, conversion; work with models in a type-safe way
  • String manipulation + formatting; basis for any app
  • I18n/Localization of money, dates; basis for any app
  • Functional style defferred pipeline aka LINQ (select(), where(), any(), all(), distinct(), count(0 etc…)
  • Application facade + DI/Service locator - organize your services, data and logic modules well
  • MVC: Model-View-Controller framework for event-free programming (similar to React/Flux)
  • Models, Fields, MVVM base
  • Basic Widgets
  • Browser UI: z-stack manager(curtains, dialogs), SPA router, view engine (Scene,Screen etc.)
  • 10+ base UI COntrolls with auto data model scaffolding including dropdowns, lookups, radios, checks and much more.
  • tbd…

Building / Assembly

Vidya uses WebPack + Babel with a bunch of typical plugins. See root package.json for deps

To re-build all artifacts: npm run buildall

To re-build and pack noms: npm run dist

Testing is done using Mocka runner and Vidya.Aver module for assertion library (rather “averment library”).
Tests run on Node and Browser.

Test all (on Node): npm test

Test named harness (e.g. ‘asString()’): npm run trun #asString()

Test in browser: open *.htm file from /test


Add watch + wpk dev server
Add CI (e.g. Travis)