Interactive Core Image transition for view controller, just for fun not for real Apps
Fun is an Interactive Core Image transition for view controller, just for fun not for real Apps. By using a few lines of code you can get an elegant transition..
To install it, simply add the following lines to your Podfile:
pod "Fun"
Copy Sources
folder to your Xcode project.
How to use Fun to create a custom transition:
In the root view controller or the first view controller:
Navigation Controller
// In the root view controller
override func viewDidLoad() {
// 1- Get a reference to your Navigation Controller
guard let navigationController = self.navigationController else {
// 2- Create a Navigation Controller delegate with :
let navigationControllerDelegate = FunNavigationControllerDelegate.init(navigationController: navigationController, transitionType: .ZoomBlur, isInteractive: true)
// 3- Optional: in your delegate object
// - set the transition duration
// - set the gesture direction
navigationControllerDelegate.duration = 1.4
navigationControllerDelegate.gesturePopDirection = .LeftToRight
TabBar Controller
// In the first view controller
override func viewDidLoad() {
// 1- Get a reference to your TabBar Controller
guard let tabBarController = self.tabBarController else {
// 2- Create a tabBar Controller delegate with :
let tabBarControllerDelegate = FunTabBarControllerDelegate.init(tabBarController: tabBarController, transitionType: .ZoomBlur, isInteractive: true)
// 3- Optional: in your delegate object
// - set the transition duration
// - set the gesture direction
tabBarControllerDelegate.duration = 1.4
tabBarControllerDelegate.gestureDirection = .LeftToRight
In the source or presenting view controller:
// In the source or presenting view controller:
@IBAction func presentViewControllerModally(_ sender: Any) {
// 1- Create your destination Controller
guard let destinationController = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "desVC") as? DestinationViewController else { return }
or get a reference to your destination controller if you are using prepare for segue function
let destinationController = segue.destination
// 2- set the modal Presentation Style of your destination controller to full screen
destinationController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
// 3- Create a Modal Controller delegate using the destination controller and a transition type as parameters.
let controllerDelegate = FunModalControllerDelegate.init(destinationController: destinationController, transitionType: .ZoomBlur)
// 4- Optional:
// - make the transition interactive
// supply a pan gesture if the destination controller view already has a one, if not do not warry about it, the Modal Controller Delegate will create one for you.
controllerDelegate.addInteractiveToDestinationController(panGesture: nil)
// - set the transition duration
controllerDelegate.duration = 2
// - set the gesture direction
controllerDelegate.gestureDismissalDirection = .RightToLeft
// - present the destination controller modally
present(destinationController, animated: true, completion: nil)
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
1. ZoomBlur
2. Crystallize
3. CircleSplash
4. CircularScreen
5. Kaleidoscope
MasterTransitions is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.