项目作者: Frgallah

项目描述 :
Interactive Core Image transition for view controller, just for fun not for real Apps
高级语言: Swift
项目地址: git://github.com/Frgallah/Fun.git
创建时间: 2017-04-26T22:09:44Z

开源协议:MIT License



CI Status


Fun is an Interactive Core Image transition for view controller, just for fun not for real Apps. By using a few lines of code you can get an elegant transition..


  • iOS 10.0+
  • Xcode 8.2+
  • Swift 3



To install it, simply add the following lines to your Podfile:

  1. use_frameworks!
  2. pod "Fun"


Copy Sources folder to your Xcode project.


How to use Fun to create a custom transition:

Navigation and TabBar Controller


In the root view controller or the first view controller:

  1. Get a reference to your Navigation or TabBar Controller
  2. Create a Navigation or TabBar Controller delegate using Navigation or TabBar Controller, transition type and is Interactive as parameters.
  3. Optional: in your delegate object
  • set the transition duration
  • set the gesture direction
  1. Your Done!

Navigation Controller

  1. // In the root view controller
  2. override func viewDidLoad() {
  3. super.viewDidLoad()
  4. // 1- Get a reference to your Navigation Controller
  5. guard let navigationController = self.navigationController else {
  6. return
  7. }
  8. // 2- Create a Navigation Controller delegate with :
  9. let navigationControllerDelegate = FunNavigationControllerDelegate.init(navigationController: navigationController, transitionType: .ZoomBlur, isInteractive: true)
  10. // 3- Optional: in your delegate object
  11. // - set the transition duration
  12. // - set the gesture direction
  13. navigationControllerDelegate.duration = 1.4
  14. navigationControllerDelegate.gesturePopDirection = .LeftToRight
  15. }

TabBar Controller

  1. // In the first view controller
  2. override func viewDidLoad() {
  3. super.viewDidLoad()
  4. // 1- Get a reference to your TabBar Controller
  5. guard let tabBarController = self.tabBarController else {
  6. return
  7. }
  8. // 2- Create a tabBar Controller delegate with :
  9. let tabBarControllerDelegate = FunTabBarControllerDelegate.init(tabBarController: tabBarController, transitionType: .ZoomBlur, isInteractive: true)
  10. // 3- Optional: in your delegate object
  11. // - set the transition duration
  12. // - set the gesture direction
  13. tabBarControllerDelegate.duration = 1.4
  14. tabBarControllerDelegate.gestureDirection = .LeftToRight
  15. }

Modal Controller

In code

In the source or presenting view controller:

  1. Create or get a reference to your destination controller
  2. set the modal Presentation Style of your destination controller to full screen
  3. Create a Modal Controller delegate using the destination controller and a transition type as parameters.
  4. Optional:
  • make the transition interactive
  • set the transition duration
  • set the gesture direction
  1. Your Done!
  1. // In the source or presenting view controller:
  2. @IBAction func presentViewControllerModally(_ sender: Any) {
  3. // 1- Create your destination Controller
  4. guard let destinationController = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "desVC") as? DestinationViewController else { return }
  5. /*
  6. or get a reference to your destination controller if you are using prepare for segue function
  7. let destinationController = segue.destination
  8. */
  9. // 2- set the modal Presentation Style of your destination controller to full screen
  10. destinationController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
  11. // 3- Create a Modal Controller delegate using the destination controller and a transition type as parameters.
  12. let controllerDelegate = FunModalControllerDelegate.init(destinationController: destinationController, transitionType: .ZoomBlur)
  13. // 4- Optional:
  14. // - make the transition interactive
  15. // supply a pan gesture if the destination controller view already has a one, if not do not warry about it, the Modal Controller Delegate will create one for you.
  16. controllerDelegate.addInteractiveToDestinationController(panGesture: nil)
  17. // - set the transition duration
  18. controllerDelegate.duration = 2
  19. // - set the gesture direction
  20. controllerDelegate.gestureDismissalDirection = .RightToLeft
  21. // - present the destination controller modally
  22. present(destinationController, animated: true, completion: nil)
  23. }


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


frgallah, frgallah@outlook.com


  • GaussianBlur
  • MotionBlur
  • Zoom Blur
  • Bump
  • Circle Splash
  • Droste
  • Glass
  • Light Tunnel
  • Twirl
  • Vortex
  • Circular Screen
  • Dot Screen
  • Line Screen
  • Crystallize
  • Hexagonal Pixellate
  • Pixellate
  • Pointillize
  • SpotLight
  • Kaleidoscope
  • Triangle Kaleidoscope
  • Triangle Tile

1. ZoomBlur

2. Crystallize

3. CircleSplash

4. CircularScreen

5. Kaleidoscope


MasterTransitions is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.