a tool for working with scheduled tasks on ECS
a tool for working with scheduled tasks on ECS
This tool does not take responsibility for:
It is recommended that you use Terraform for scheduling jobs and maintianing ECS clusters, and adhere to the following guidelines:
1) Group similar jobs by prefix. Due to the way ECS works, this will make it much easier to deal with the subset of jobs that is relevant to you. A recommended scheme: project-env-taskname
2) If you have multiple tasks that use the same container, only create one task and use the containerOverrides to set different commands on each task. (This helps with not hitting ECS quotas as well as getting better visibility from this tool into what your tasks are doing.)
Saturn can be used to interact with already scheduled ECS tasks in several ways:
$ saturn tasks
update-nolas-prod ✓ cron(0 7 * * ? *) django-admin update_nolas
update-nolas-qa ✓ cron(0 7 * * ? *) django-admin update_nolas
update-ota-prod ✓ cron(0 6 ? * MON-FRI *) django-admin update_lineups --ota
update-ota-qa ✓ cron(0 6 ? * MON-FRI *) django-admin update_lineups --ota
$ saturn runs update-sources-qa
run id last event elapsed
-------- ------------------------ ---------
34a9f0 Tue Nov 27 23:02:07 2018 0:00:01
2c072e Tue Nov 27 23:01:39 2018 0:00:01
155b02 Tue Nov 27 22:56:12 2018 0:00:02
ac97a1 Tue Nov 27 01:01:48 2018 0:00:03
b4a90a Mon Nov 26 01:02:31 2018 0:00:47
$ saturn logs update-sources-qa ac97a1
$ saturn start update-sources-qa --watch