Docker Container with AWS CLI and AWS EB CLI
A container for running:
Use it to deploy your applications from CLI or use the image in your CI/CD pipelines.
docker pull alishaikh/aws-ebcli
To run the CLI tools, use the CLI command just like you normally would. The combination of -w and -v mounts your PWD into the container as the current working directory for the EB CLI. If you’re on Windows you’ll want to use %cd% instead of $PWD.
docker run -i -w /work -v $PWD:/work alishaikh/aws-ebcli eb --version
docker run -i alishaikh/aws-ebcli aws --version
docker run -i -w /work -v $PWD:/work alishaikh/aws-ebcli eb create test-app-${BUILD_NUMBER}
docker run -i alishaikh/aws-ebcli aws ec2 describe-instances --region=us-east-1
To provide credentials, you have 2 options:
docker run -i -w /work -v $PWD:/work -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY -e AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=$AWS_SESSION_TOKEN alishaikh/aws-ebcli eb status
docker run -i -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY -e AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=$AWS_SESSION_TOKEN alishaikh/aws-ebcli aws ec2 describe-instances --region=us-east-1
docker run -i -w /work -v ${PWD}:/work -v $env:USERPROFILE/.aws:/root/.aws alishaikh/aws-ebcli eb status
docker run -i -w /work -v %cd%:/work -v %userprofile%/.aws:/root/.aws alishaikh/aws-ebcli eb status
docker run -i -w /work -v $PWD:/work -v ~/.aws:/root/.aws alishaikh/aws-ebcli eb status