Tool used to format, improve and verify code to BDE guidelines
Bde_verify is a static analysis tool that verifies that source code adheres
to the BDE coding standards.
The online documentation for bde_verify can be found at
Supported Platforms:
)Bde_verify incorporates llvm/clang-14.0 libraries. These may already be
installed on the build machine. If not, they can be installed (in the
Bloomberg environment) using dpkg, or built from source on Windows.
# We will place bde_verify source code here
export BVSRC=/path/to/bde_verify/source/directory
mkdir -p ${BVSRC}
git clone -b master bbgithub:bde/bde_verify ${BVSRC}
export DISTRIBUTION_REFROOT=/path/to/refroot
refroot-install --arch=amd64 --refroot-path=${DISTRIBUTION_REFROOT} --config=${BVSRC}/debian/control
mkdir _build; cd _build
bbcmake -64 -G Ninja -DClang_DIR=${DISTRIBUTION_REFROOT}/opt/bb/lib/llvm-14.0/lib64/cmake/clang/ ../
Alternatively, with plain cmake:
mkdir _build; cd _build
export CXX=${DISTRIBUTION_REFROOT}/opt/bb/bin/g++
export CC=${DISTRIBUTION_REFROOT}/opt/bb/bin/gcc
cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/bb -DClang_DIR=${DISTRIBUTION_REFROOT}/opt/bb/lib/llvm-14.0/lib64/cmake/clang/ -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-m64 -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-m64 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE ../
cmake --build .
DESTDIR=/path/to/install/dir cmake --install .
cd ${BVSRC}
DESTDIR=/path/to/install/dir/opt/bb/ make -f Makefile.test_only check
If you are doing this on a Bloomberg development machine, follow the
instructions at to
configure git
for access to github
securely through an https proxy.
Note: this requires a great deal of free disk space.
# We will place LLVM/Clang source code here
export LCSRC=/path/to/llvm/source/directory
mkdir -p ${LCSRC}
# Clone the LLVM/Clang repositories
git clone ${LCSRC}
cd ${LCSRC}
# Checkout llvmorg-14.0.1
git checkout tags/llvmorg-14.0.1 -b llvm14
External references:
Below is the configuration line that enables clang and clang-tool-extra
projects required by bde-verify:
mkdir _build; cd _build
# This is a configuration line for cmake that contain all relevant information (see description of defines in llvm howto).
# In order to use different compiler, use CXX/CC variables to point to compilers:
cmake --build .
cmake --install .
Install the NSIS packaging system:
# We refer to version 3.02.1 here, but newer versions should work.
# Navigate to <></https:>
# The installer is named <nsis-3.02.1-setup.exe>. Download and run it.
# Download the large-strings overlay <>.
# Open that archive and extract its files on top of the installed ones.
Set build directory:
# We will build LLVM/Clang here
export LCBLD=/path/to/build/directory
mkdir -p $LCBLD
Configure and build, and install llvm:
cmake $LCSRC/llvm
cmake --build . --target package --config MinSizeRel
# The result is an executable named LLVM-5.{...}-win32.exe
# Run it to install LLVM/Clang. When asked, set the path for all users.
Set build directory:
# We will build bde_verify here
export BVBLD=/path/to/bde_verify/build/directory
Configure, build, and install bde_verify
cmake $BVSRC
cmake --build . --target package --config MinSizeRel
# The result is an executable named bde_verify-{...}-win32.exe
# Run it to install bde_verify. When asked, set the path for all users.
# Now build the Visual Studio bde_verify add-in
cmake --build . --target bde_verify_vsix --config MinSizeRel
# The result is $BVBLD/bde-verify-vs/BdeVerify.vsix
# Running that file installs the extension into Visual Studio.
# (It installs its own private copy of the bde_verify executable.)