This package provides some custom widgets to use monaco or tinymce editors in django admin.
This package provides some custom widgets to use monaco or tinymce editors in django admin.
remark: From version 4.0 static files for tinymce and monaco editors are removed.
To install the package by pip
run following command
# From Github (latest updates)
$ pip install git+
# Or
$ pip install django-editor-widgets
To start using the package in your project, you need to open
file and add following lines
from pathlib import Path
# import configurations for editor
from djangoeditorwidgets.config import init_web_editor_config
# set base dir by Path instead of os.path
BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent
# Application definition
MEDIA_URL = "/media/"
STATIC_URL = "/static/"
WEB_EDITOR_DOWNLOAD, WEB_EDITOR_CONFIG = init_web_editor_config(
# set the directory where files are downloaded
BASE_DIR / "static_cdn",
# set static url prefix
In current version uses Path
instead of os.path
to manage files and directories. If needed configuration parameters can be written manually
from os.path import join
"to": BASE_DIR / "static_cdn",
"tinymce": {
"url": "",
"target": "tinymce/js/tinymce",
"monaco": {
"url": "",
"target": "package/min",
"tinymce": {
"js": [
join(STATIC_URL, "tinymce/tinymce.min.js"),
join(STATIC_URL, "djangoeditorwidgets/tinymce/tinymce.config.js"),
join(STATIC_URL, "djangoeditorwidgets/tinymce/tinymce.init.js"),
"css": {
"all": [
join(STATIC_URL, "djangoeditorwidgets/tinymce/tinymce.custom.css"),
"monaco": {
"js": [
join(STATIC_URL, "monaco/vs/loader.js"),
join(STATIC_URL, "djangoeditorwidgets/monaco/monaco.config.js"),
"css": {
"all": [
join(STATIC_URL, "djangoeditorwidgets/monaco/monaco.custom.css"),
Static files are removed from the package, instead it provides management command to download and extract files to given location
$ python download_editor_scripts
To use tinymce editor in admin, we need to change default widget in the form with TinymceWidget
from django import forms
from djangoeditorwidgets.widgets import TinymceWidget
from .models import TextModel
class TextModelForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = TextModel
fields = '__all__'
widgets = {
'text': TinymceWidget(name="default")
By name
argument we can modify selector and can define multiple configs for tinymce editor.
In lastest verions of sqlite3
and mariadb
we now have json field
, it is more limited compared to postgresql
but can handle json validation and parsing
import json
from django.db import models
class JSONModel(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=50)
text = models.JSONField(null=True)
def __str__(self):
return self.title
from django import forms
from djangoeditorwidgets.widgets import MonacoEditorWidget
from .models import JSONModel
class JsonModelForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = JSONModel
fields = "__all__"
widgets = {
"text": MonacoEditorWidget(name="default", language="json", wordwrap=True)
Unlike other django package which are for Rich web editors, this package allows developer to fully use capablities and custom plugins for the web editor, like tinymce or monaco, since configurations doesn’t go through django settings.