项目作者: ImCityHunter
项目描述 :
Use Vue to create an Editable Table
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/ImCityHunter/VueMakeTable.git
Vue Make Table
This Project is a modified Project from GhitaB
Demo code here is uploaded on Heroku. Click here
Additional Functions On Top of GhitaB’s code
- change result table’s format (color, background, etc *still developing)
- major change in main.js and app.vue
- able to convert the result table to json
- additional features are designed by me. welcome to modified and change!
- At the end, i implemented a simple feature that will convert the table to json.
Installation Instruction
- Git Clone This Repo to Local
- Cd to that directory from terminal
- Ensure vue is downloaded globally
npm install -g @vue/cli-init
- Ensure all dependencies are built
npm install
Inserting input, changing table data, then click enter.
- Main.js —> App.Vue —> Table-Preview.vue & Editable.vue
- App.vue takes user json input and table input
- Table-Preview.vue generates a table from parent
- Editable.vue keeps table editable before made
- Within App.vue, updateStyleObject is what changed the table setting
Deploying on Heroku
- Read This
- And read This
- I had to combine knowledge from both of these webs to upload this to project on heroku.