Split-screen pvp game (June 2012)
The demo above uses the
Exterior 32x32 Town Tileset.
This game is based on a tile engine
I wrote earlier. The controls default to the arrow keys, numbers, space and
escape. This can be changed in the menu. When configuring the controls
using a gamepad, make sure to disable the analog stick. Otherwise even the
slightest tilt can generate 50 events. This will assign all controls to the
analog stick. If you mess up the controls, remove the filerpg_engine/joystick.conf
and start the game again.
This program requires the development files of the following libraries:
Build the game using only one thread: make -j1
. It can be started usingmake run
Note: The tileset used by the maps in this game is not included due to
unclear licensing. You could try saving something like
to ./rpg_engine/tileset.png
. Otherwise you would have to build your own
maps using a free 32x32 tileset.
The map editor has to be build using make -j1 map_editor
. It can be
started by changing into the rpg_engine/ directory and running the
map_editor binary from there. All tileset paths configured in the editor
must be relative to this directory. The editor can take the path to a map
as argument.
This icon pack is the main reason I wrote this game.
The assets above have been a big motivation for me. I have scaled, tinted
and combined those graphics to fit my needs.
Note: This list of sound effects is incomplete. While all of them are
free and come from either opengameart.org or
freesound.org, I failed find the some of the
sources. If you can help, please file an issue with a link to the original