The official's PHP SDK
Official PHP SDK for ma-residence‘s API.
To use ma-residence’s API, you have to register your application.
When registering your application, you will obtain a client_id and client_secret.
The client_id and client_secret will be necessary to use the API.
Edit your composer.json
"require": {
"ma-residence/php-sdk": "2.0.*"
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://github.comma-residence/php-sdk.git",
"no-api": true
docker run -it —name docker-php-sdk —rm -v “$PWD/php-sdk:/user/src/php-sdk” -w /user/src/php-sdk composer composer update
use MR\SDK\Client;
$host = '';
$clientId = 'CLIENT_ID';
$clientSecret = 'CLIENT_SECRET';
$mrClient = new Client($host, $clientId, $clientSecret);
By default, the Client
will store the tokens in memory.
If you need to implement a custom token storage, you can use the TokenStorageInterface
and assigned it to the Client
$storage = new MyTokenStorage();
$mrClient = new Client($host, $clientId, $clientSecret, $storage);
After you have initialized the class, you can login with an email and password:
$mrClient->auth()->loginWithCredentials('', 'password');
Or with an external token:
$mrClient->auth()->loginWithExternalToken('facebook', 'FACEBOOK_ACCESS_TOKEN');
And if to logout:
Available endpoints:
If you have to call an url which has no endpoint, you can still do your own request:
// GET Request
$mrClient->request()->get('/foo', [ 'id' => $id ]);
// POST Request
$mrClient->request()->post('/foo', [], [
'field_a' => 'A',
'field_b' => 'B',
// PUT Request
$mrClient->request()->put('/foo', [], [
'field_a' => 'AA',
'field_b' => 'BB',
// PATCH Request
$mrClient->request()->patch('/foo', [], [
'field_b' => 'C',
// DELETE Request
Each request returns a Response