项目作者: EndHIVOK
项目描述 :
Integrates RedHen Contact with End HIV OK platform.
高级语言: PHP
项目地址: git://github.com/EndHIVOK/ehok_contact.git
Integrates RedHen Contact with End HIV OK platform.
Design considerations
The base module ehok_contact
should work without needing any other End HIV OK Platform components.
Required modules
Name |
Purpose |
address |
Provides address field |
gender |
Provides gender field |
geofield |
Provides geofield field |
languagefield |
Provides languagefield field |
link |
Provides link (URL) field |
media |
Provides Media entity and field |
name |
Provides name field |
options |
Provides options field |
redhen_contact |
Provides RedHen Contact entity |
taxonomy |
Provides Taxonomy entity and field |
telephone |
Provides telephone field |
text |
Provides text field. |
Fields types
- Address
- Gender
- Geofield
- Language field
- Link
- Media
- Name field
- Options
- Taxonomy
- Telephone
- Text
- Office hours
- Business owner
- Community member
- Healthcare provider
- Patient
Label |
Machine-name |
Type |
Widget |
Formatter |
Help |
Legal name |
name_legal |
name |
name |
name |
Preferred name |
name_preferred |
textfield |
plain_text |
plain_text |
Business owner
Healthcare provider
Medical specialty
- How old are you? (1)
- 0-19
- 20-39
- 40-60
- 61+
- Prefer not to answer
- Do you identify as having a disability as defined under the
Americans with Disabilities Act?
- Yes, Cognitive
- Yes, Emotional
- Yes, Hearing
- Yes, Mental
- Yes, Physical
- Yes, Visual
- Yes, Self Identify: _
- No
- Prefer not to answer
- Does your disability affect how you work? (1)
- Yes
- No
- Prefer not to answer
- What is your education level?
- Some high school
- Some college/technical training
- Completed college
- Completed master’s degree
- Completed Ph.D
- Prefer not to answer
Gender identity
- Do you consider yourself to be transgender? (1)
- Yes
- No
- Questioning
- Prefer not to answer
- Do you consider yourself to be gender non-conforming, gender diverse, gender variant, or gender expansive? (1)
- Yes
- No
- Questioning
- Prefer not to answer
- Are you intersex? (1)
- Yes
- No
- I don’t know
- Prefer not to answer
- Where do you identify on the gender spectrum (check all that apply)?
- Woman
- Demi-girl
- Man
- Demi-boy
- Non-binary
- Demi-non-binary
- Genderqueer
- Genderflux
- Genderfluid
- Demi-fluid
- Demi-gender
- Bigender
- Trigender
- Multigender/polygender
- Pangender/omnigender
- Maxigender
- Aporagender
- Intergender
- Maverique
- Gender confusion/Gender f*ck
- Gender indifferent
- Graygender
- Agender/genderless
- Demi-agender
- Genderless
- Gender neutral
- Neutrois
- Androgynous
- Androgyne
- Self Identify: _
- Prefer not to answer
- Choose the language(s) you speak and work with and identify your proficiency
(list of all languages, including indigenous languages)
(fluency levels)
add as many as appropriate.
Romantic orientation
- What is your romantic orientation (check all that apply)?
- Straight
- Questioning
- Gay
- Manromantic/androromantic
- Lesbian
- Womanromantic/gyneromantic
- Queer
- Poly
- Aromantic
- Grayromantic
- Demiromantic
- Biromantic
- Bicurious
- Triromantic
- Panromatic
- Omniromantic
- Fluid/abroromantic
- Aroflux
- Autoromantic
- Androgyneromantic
- Self Identify: _
- Prefer not to answer
- Please choose your country of residence.
- Dropdown of Countries |v|
- Prefer not to answer
Which word best describes the area where you live and work? (1)
- Rural
- Suburban
- Urban
- Prefer not to answer
- Do you identify as a person of color? (1)
- Yes
- No
- Prefer not to answer
- With which racial background(s) do you identify? (check all that apply)
- Asian
- Black
- Latino
- Native American
- Pacific Islander
- White
- Self Identify: _
- Prefer not to answer
Religious identification
- Do you practice, worship, or observe a particular religion (or agnostic/atheist theology)? (1)
- Yes
- No
- Prefer not to answer
- Do you identify as a minority because of your religion (or lack thereof)? (1)
- Yes
- No
- N/A
- Prefer not to answer
Socioeconomic class
- Thinking about your childhood, which socio-economic class did you identify with? (1)
- Working class
- Lower-middle class
- Upper-middle class
- Upper class
- Prefer not to answer
- Thinking about your current situation, which socio-economic class do you identify with? (1)
- Working class
- Lower-middle class
- Upper-middle class
- Upper class
- Prefer not to answer
Sexual orientation
- What is your sexual orientation (check all that apply)?
- Straight
- Questioning
- Gay
- Masexual/androsexual
- Lesbian
- Womasexual/gynesexual
- Queer
- Poly
- Asexual
- Graysexual
- Demisexual
- Bisexual
- Bicurious
- Trisexual
- Pansexual
- Omnisexual
- Fluid/abrosexual
- Aceflux
- Autosexual
- Androgynesexual
- Self Identify: _
- Prefer not to answer