项目作者: bigeasy

项目描述 :
Conditionally catch a JavaScript exception based on type and properties
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/bigeasy/rescue.git
创建时间: 2016-06-07T13:41:05Z

开源协议:MIT License


Actions Status
License: MIT

Conditionally catch a JavaScript exception based on type and properties.

What Where
Discussion https://github.com/bigeasy/rescue/issues/1
Documentation https://bigeasy.github.io/rescue
Source https://github.com/bigeasy/rescue
Issues https://github.com/bigeasy/rescue/issues
CI https://travis-ci.org/bigeasy/rescue
Coverage: https://codecov.io/gh/bigeasy/rescue
License: MIT

Rescue installs from NPM.

  1. npm install rescue

Current documentation.


Extant is an implementation of SQL’s COALESCE that I’ve used for some time to
deal with the fact that JavaScript truthiness will treat '' and 0 as true so
the || operator can’t always be used to create given or default one-liner.

  1. const { compare, raise, equal } = require('rescue')

We use the name “extant” on NPM because we want the first extant argument.

Living README.md

This README.md is also a unit test using the
Proof unit test framework. We’ll use the
Proof okay function to assert out statements in the readme. A Proof unit test
generally looks like this.

  1. require('proof')(4, async okay => {
  2. okay('always okay')
  3. okay(true, 'okay if true')
  4. okay(1, 1, 'okay if equal')
  5. okay({ value: 1 }, { value: 1 }, 'okay if deep strict equal')
  6. })

You can run this unit test yourself to see the output from the various
code sections of the readme.

  1. git clone git@github.com:bigeasy/rescue.git
  2. cd rescue
  3. npm install --no-package-lock --no-save
  4. node test/readme.t.js


The 'extant' module exports a single coalesce function.

  1. const { compare, raise, equal } = require('depature')

Note that Extant is SQL’s COALESCE. It returns the first non-null-like value,
that is the first value that is not == null, which would be null or
undefined. If there is no such argument it returns null.

  1. okay('test')