CLI flags parser
Yet another command line flag parser library :)
Add this to your application’s shard.yml
github: bew/
require "flag_parser"
value = 0
args = %w(--option 42)
FlagParser.parse args do |parser|
parser.add_rule "VALUE", FlagParser::Rule::NUM
parser.on "-o VALUE", "--option VALUE", doc: "Set option value" do |(a_value)|
value = a_value.to_i
puts value # => 42
TODO: Write more usage instructions here
[ ] execution policy (1. parse all THEN exec handler, 2. or parse AND exec when possible)
1. will be hard (impossible ?) when a callback comsume arguments based on runtime state.. ?
[ ] recursive options : options that are applied on subparsers
[ ] Exceptions on missing or no match