📦 ELF Packer
This project is part of the System/Unix cursus at 42.
The idea is quite simple, the crypter will receive an executable (ET_EXEC or ET_DYN), and create a new binary that has the same comportement.
Must be run on a Linux distribution
./woody_woodpacker binary_example
The step are represented like this:
The modification of the given file is the implementation of the segment padding infection (Silvio Cesare’s infection).
The creation of the file will encrypt all of the section text.
It will not encrypt the section fini, which is where the payload will reside.
At this point the text section is crypted, so if you wanted to execute this code, you will crash.
But in the modification of the header we changed the entry_point to our payload.
So when the TEXT segment is loaded in memory, when control is given to the binary, it will first execute the payload.
It will print “…WOODY…”, then the payload will unencrypt the text section and finally jump back to the original entry_point to continue the original flow of the binary.
When the binary will exit, the file on disk will still be uncrypted.
Jefferson Le Quellec 🐜