VK Chat-bot for students
Chatbot for students, which helps them prepare for the session, based on vk-community chat. See more in my community: https://vk.com/sessiyabot
First of all, need to create access token in you vk-community and insert it in data/config.py
Example of data/config.py
access_token = ‘your_vk_token’
db_host = ‘’
db_port = ‘5432’
db_name = ‘template1’
db_account = ‘username’
db_password = ‘userpassword’
Second, you need to create PostgreSQL schema:
Default “false” for subcribe, default “0” for tz
table online for storage a online stats (update_users)
And paste PostgreSQL settings like ‘host, user, etc.’ in data/config.py
Language and time constants:
Default code configurated for Moscow and Russian language. All language constants may change in data/ru_dictionary.py as well as exam date, but to change reference Moscow timezone(UTC+3) (using to write in database and logs) you need change four functions (datetime_now_obj in datetime_func and 3 timestamps in chat, notify and vk module). Also you need to change wikipedia language: core/engine find_in_internet in request string.
Tested on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 18|16
Python 3.7
The libraries from requirements.txt must be installed when using sessiyabot.
If you use docker, you can run bot with this example docker command:
docker run -d --name sessiyabot imagename
Or this, if you want to keep config data in secret:
docker run -d --name sessiyabot --restart always -v /root/sessiyabot/configvolume.py:/sessiyabot/data/config.py imagename
See logs:
docker logs sessiyabot -follow