项目作者: HelioMesquita
项目描述 :
A iOS application with layout based on App Store that can check the most starred and last updated Swift repository
高级语言: Swift
项目地址: git://github.com/HelioMesquita/Swiftmazing.git

A iOS application with layout based on App Store that can check the most starred and last updated Swift repository. It was developed in a modular way using SPM, with their respective tests and using the modern collection view

- Modularization using SPM
- Xcodegen
- CLEAN Swift Architecture (VIP)
- Modern Collection View
- Mock Mode
- Pull-to-Refresh
- Infinity Scroll using PrefetchItems
- View Code (UIKit)
- Preview using UIViewRepresentable
- Dark Mode
- Internationalization (English and PT-Br)
- Unit tests
- Snapshots Tests
- Await/Async Request
First of all download and install Xcode, and Xcodegen, then clone the repository
Go to cloned directory and execute
xcodegen generate
Open the directory project and double tap on Swiftmazing.xcodeproj
Running the tests
For each scheme in project run some tests targets
- The Swiftmazing scheme runs the unit tests for all business and presentation rules
- The UIComponents scheme runs the snapshot tests for all views and view controllers
- The NetworkLayer scheme runs the unit tests for all network tests
Built With
- SnapshotTesting - PointFree Snapshot Testing
- SDWebImage - Asynchronous image downloader with cache support as a UIImageView category