Entry Management software for summergeeks application
I defined a model that contains all the attributes stored in the MySQL table. Then I created two forms, one for the submission and another to get the details of the checkout time. In helpers.py file, there are two functions defined mainly, one to craete template and all necessary details for sending sms and another is to create template for sending mail to host. It also takes care of certain errors and exceptions. Then used HTML, Bootstrap for the frontend integrated with the backend.
git clone https://github.com/pawangeek/Innovacer-Intern.git
cd Innovaccer-Intern
python 3.7
on your local machineVirtual Environment
and activate itpip install -r requirements.txt
to install dependencieshttps://www.twilio.com/console/
using mysql client by create database myflaskapp;
Create table visitors2
after use myflaskapp;
and you able to create something like this
Set your mysql cresentials and an email+password for smtplib. After completion of all these steps you will see something like this
Start the sever fo to
and you will see something like this
Go to About Me and you will see something like this
Navigate to Register page and fill all necessary checkin details there
After filling Details under Register Section. Host will get mail and message regarding visitor’s checkin like this
Further you can checkout from this software leaving deatials about host to visitor via mail and message