Mock Audio Visual Company Website
This project was my initial foray into a full-stack application build, I wanted to build a simple mock audiovisual recruitment site which gave interested applicants the opportunity to submit their CV’s or relevant documents along with all their details.
At the same time, I felt like challenging myself on the visual aspect and see what I was able to create using a 3 color pallet, along with this, how visually appealing I could make a website for an industry which needs to communicate it’s visual side.
As this was my first solo build of a project without any guidance, it was quite daunting, however, once I began it became easier to understand and apply all the technologies I used, I decided to implement small packages to become more familiar with using and understanding NPM such as uploading different types of documents and how to handle them, I found it quite challenging when I had to ensure that the documents did not overwrite due to naming and I, therefore, created a function which encapsulates and assigns a date and the name and last name value from the form field to create a, while not 100% full proof, a unique enough name to the file.
Along with this, I was also able to dive deeper into CSS which gave me the opportunity to not only work with styling different elements but working with them in a responsive way. I would say that my main achievement here was processing my Responsive Web Design capabilities.