项目作者: NicholasHorta

项目描述 :
Mock Audio Visual Company Website
高级语言: HTML
项目地址: git://github.com/NicholasHorta/AlexiaAV.git
创建时间: 2020-05-27T14:35:06Z

开源协议:MIT License



This project includes the following technologies:

  • EJS
  • ExpressJS
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • NodeJS
  • MongoDB (NoSQL)
  • NPM

Project description:

This project was my initial foray into a full-stack application build, I wanted to build a simple mock audiovisual recruitment site which gave interested applicants the opportunity to submit their CV’s or relevant documents along with all their details.
At the same time, I felt like challenging myself on the visual aspect and see what I was able to create using a 3 color pallet, along with this, how visually appealing I could make a website for an industry which needs to communicate it’s visual side.

What building this project taught me:

As this was my first solo build of a project without any guidance, it was quite daunting, however, once I began it became easier to understand and apply all the technologies I used, I decided to implement small packages to become more familiar with using and understanding NPM such as uploading different types of documents and how to handle them, I found it quite challenging when I had to ensure that the documents did not overwrite due to naming and I, therefore, created a function which encapsulates and assigns a date and the name and last name value from the form field to create a, while not 100% full proof, a unique enough name to the file.

Along with this, I was also able to dive deeper into CSS which gave me the opportunity to not only work with styling different elements but working with them in a responsive way. I would say that my main achievement here was processing my Responsive Web Design capabilities.

Please note that the site is only visual, as GitHub does not allow me to host the page with full functionality
