Terraform-based project to provision an EKS cluster and bootstrap Rancher 2.5.x
This is presented for example only, please take and re-use.
This is not a module that is being maintained.
There might be some security to revise with this project, it has been used only as a proof-of-concept.
Terraform-based project to provision an EKS cluster (with a single Managed Node Group) and bootstrap Rancher 2.5.x
This project is based on and inspired by:
(inspiration for how to install CRDs)With Rancher 2.5.x it is possible to use EKS for cluster hosting Rancher. I couldn’t find any examples of how to do this (Nov 2020) so I created this project to get it going.
The order of the installation is:
CRDs using a Job running container image bitnami/kubectl
Helm chartingress-nginx
Helm chartrancher
Helm chartadmin
userThe following are required:
on the command line (must be suitable for the EKS version you choose)curl
available on the command line Installing AWS resources does cost money. Please be aware of this.
terraform init
terraform plan -out out.terraform
terraform apply out.terraform
export KUBECONFIG=$(find . -type f -name 'kubeconfig_*' | head -n1)
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
The above is just to get you started. Setting your KUBECONFIG like this is not robust!
terraform destroy
The following terraform variables should be set.
Variable name | Type | Default | Description | Example |
base_domain | string |
none | The domain of the existing Route53 Hosted Zone to use | "test.example.com" |
cert_manager_letsencrypt_email | string |
none | Let’s Encrypt email address for expiration notices | "you@example.com" |
cert_manager_letsencrypt_environment | string |
none | Let’s Encrypt environment type, must be "staging" or "production" |
"production" |
cert_manager_values_filename | string |
"" |
YAML file for values for cert-manager Helm chart |
"values.yaml" |
cert_manager_version | string |
none | cert-manager Helm chart version to use |
"v1.1.0" |
cluster_name | string |
“” | The EKS cluster name. Name is auto generated as ‘rancher-rAnDomChARs’ if empty | "rancher-dev" |
ingress_nginx_values_filename | string |
"${path.module}/helm-values/ingress-nginx-values.yaml" |
YAML file for values for ingress-nginx Helm chart |
"values.yaml" |
ingress_nginx_version | string |
none | ingress-nginx Helm chart version to use |
"3.12.0" |
kubernetes_version | string |
none | The Kubernetes version to choose, must be available for EKS | "1.18" |
node_group_desired_capacity | string |
"1" |
Desired number of nodes (integer as string) | "1" |
node_group_instance_type | string |
"m5.large" |
Instance type for node group | "m5.large" |
node_group_max_size | string |
"1" |
Maximum number of nodes (integer as string) | "1" |
node_group_min_size | string |
"1" |
Minimum number of nodes (integer as string) | "1" |
rancher_admin_password | string |
none | Admin password to add to Rancher | something complex! |
rancher_values_filename | string |
"" |
YAML file for values for rancher Helm chart |
"values.yaml" |
rancher_version | string |
none | rancher Helm chart version to use |
"2.5.2" |
region | string |
none | AWS region to use | "ap-southeast-2" |
subnet_name_filters_for_cluster | list(string) |
none | Used to filter the subnet names to find the subnets for the EKS cluster | ["*.public.*", "*.private.*"] |
subnet_name_filters_for_nodes | list(string) |
none | Used to filter the subnet names to find the subnets for the nodes | ["*.private.*"] |
vpc_id | string |
none | VPC ID | "vpc-123456" |
shell_interpreter | list(string) |
["bash", "-c"] |
Shell command for CLI commands. eg. wait_for_cluster_interpreter for more information | ["bash", "-c"] |
NOTE: Be careful if you provide your own value for ingress_nginx_values_filename
, the default values file provides annotations for a type of ingress deployment that is tested and working, specifically:
service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-proxy-protocol: '*'
service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-connection-idle-timeout: '3600'
service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-backend-protocol: tcp
Output name | Type | Description | Example |
cluster_name | string |
The EKS cluster name | rancher-gw5rz60g |
kubeconfig | string |
The contents of the kubeconfig file | <sensitive> |
kubeconfig_filename | string |
The path of the kubeconfig file | ./kubeconfig_rancher-gw5rz60g |
rancher_admin_domain | string |
Domain name of Rancher instance | rancher-gw5rz60g.test.example.com |
rancher_admin_token | string |
Rancher API token for Admin user | <sensitive> |
rancher_admin_url | string |
URL of Rancher instance | https://rancher-gw5rz60g.test.example.com |