Flexible context menu for Elm
Flexible context menu for Elm (Demo)
On the migration from Elm 0.18 to 0.19, the legacy Color
type has changed to just a type alias of String
like #aaa
, rgb(100,100,200)
. Also, some icon libraries that uses Color
type (i.e. FontAwesome
, MaterialIcons
) cannot be used anymore. So now you need to make a function typed as String -> Int -> Html msg
. It should work but I haven’t tested yet.
I also think the implementation can be improved using new Browser API, but I cannot spend my time to try it. The styling method can be improved too. I would really appreciate if someone do that. Don’t hesitate to fork this package or make your own from scratch! (This article may help.)
This component works with The Elm Architecture.
1. Model
type alias Model =
{ contextMenu : ContextMenu Context
, config : ContextMenu.Config
, message : String
2. Msg
type Msg
= ContextMenuMsg (ContextMenu.Msg Context)
| Item Int
3. Initialize
init : Flags -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
init flags =
(contextMenu, msg) = ContextMenu.init
( { contextMenu = contextMenu
, Cmd.map ContextMenuMsg msg
4. Update
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
ContextMenuMsg msg ->
(contextMenu, cmd) =
ContextMenu.update msg model.contextMenu
( { model | contextMenu = contextMenu }
, Cmd.map ContextMenuMsg cmd
5. Subscribe
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
Sub.map ContextMenuMsg (ContextMenu.subscriptions model.contextMenu)
6. View
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
[ ContextMenu.open ContextMenuMsg "context1" ]
[ ContextMenu.view
toItemGroups model.contextMenu
toItemGroups : String -> List (List Item)
toItemGroups context =
if context == "context1" then
[ [ (ContextMenu.item "Hey", Item 1)
, (ContextMenu.item "Yo!", Item 2)