项目作者: MCLConsortium

项目描述 :
Software that powers the website portal of the MCL Consortium
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/MCLConsortium/mcl-site.git
创建时间: 2016-01-19T16:24:58Z



🩺 MCL Portal

This is the software that runs the website for the Consortium for Molecular and Cellular Characterization of Screen-Detected Lesions, better known as the MCL Consortium, nominally hosted at https://mcl.nci.nih.gov/.

(Insert a badge of build status here.)

🚗 Getting Started

For installation instructions, see INSTALL.rst.

Developer notes are in notes.rst.

📀 Software Environment

This software is primarily written in Python using the Plone content management system. The source code is mainly under the src directory. It’s typically built into a Docker image using the Dockerfile provided.

👥 Contributing

You can start by looking at the open issues, forking the project, and submitting a pull request. You can also portal@jpl.nasa.gov">contact us by email with suggestions.

🔢 Versioning

We use the SemVer philosophy for versioning this software. For versions available, see the releases made on this project. We’re starting off with version 5 because reasons.

👩‍🎨 Creators

The principal developers are:

The QA team consists of:

To contact the team as a whole, portal@jpl.nasa.gov">email the Informatics Center.

📃 License

The project is licensed under the Apache version 2 license.

Note that this package includes software from Plone Docker licensed under the GNU Public License version 2. The source code for this software is included in the files Dockerfile, docker-entrypoint.sh, docker-initialize.py, and buildout.cfg.