项目作者: pc9795

项目描述 :
A monitoring tool to keep an eye :eyes: on web sites/servers :globe_with_meridians: . Reference for Spring boot with Akka and Akka web services.
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/pc9795/watchdog.git
创建时间: 2019-11-14T00:08:11Z




1. Install Maven

Check installation is working by maven --version. Our version is 3.5.2.

2. Install JDK 11

Some Akka modules we used are not backward compatible with JDK 8. Make sure to point your JAVA_HOME environment variable
to the JDK 11 installation. Check the version using java --version

3. Install Angular CLI

To install Angular CLI we need npm.

  • Install node for your operating system it will install npm along with it. Check the installation using
    node --version and npm --version. Our node version is v10.15.3 and npm version is 6.4.1.
  • Run npm install -g @angular/cli. Check version using ng --version. Our Angular CLI version is 7.3.9.

    4. Install Cockroach DB and Mongo DB

    We used docker containers instead of original installed application.

Docker-compose configuration for starting a single node cluster without authentication.

  1. cockroachdb:
  2. image: cockroachdb/cockroach
  3. command: start-single-node --insecure
  4. ports:
  5. - "26257:26257"
  6. - "8080:8080"

Docker-compose configuration for starting a single node mongodb cluster without authentication

  1. mongo:
  2. image: mongo
  3. ports:
  4. - "27017:27017"

Run locally

We have created a script local_run.sh to automate this process. But as this script will run 4 processes in backend:
client-service, monitoring-service, notifications-service and frontend so the logs could be intermingled. In case of
any failures it will be hard too debug so following are detail steps used in script. Anyways you can use that script
for reference. That script is supposed to be run from backend folder so all paths are relative to that.

1. Installing parent project

Go to the backend directory and run mvn -N install. It will install watchdog parent project to local maven

2. Building core module

Go to the backend/core directory and run mvn clean compile install. It will install core module to local maven

3. Running notifications-service

Go to the backend/notifications-service and run mvn clean compile. After it run mvn exec:java it will start the
micro service. You can check it is working or not by http://localhost:8559/alive it will show OK.
NOTE: Currently the main line which sends the email is commented out in
backend\notifications-service\src\main\java\service\notification\utils\Utils.java line no 36.

  1. LOGGER.info(String.format("Going to send message:%s", message));
  2. //todo uncomment
  3. //Transport.send(messageObj);
  4. LOGGER.info("Message sent successfully...");

If you wish to send real emails then we have created a temporary email id which is configured in properties file.
You have to first uncommment this line and create an environment variable by the name: WATCHDOG_EMAIL_PASSWORD.
The password/value of this variable is in Appendix section of the project report. Please restart your IDE after creating
the environment variable as some tend to load them on start.

4. Running monitoring-service

If you are using Docker tool box and created containers for MongoDB and CockroachDB then everything is fine.
The values in application.properties will work. In any other case or database connection things. Go to
backend\monitoring-service\src\main\resources\application.properties and adjust following values accordingly.

  1. spring.jpa.generate-ddl=true
  2. spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://
  3. spring.datasource.username=root
  4. spring.data.mongodb.uri=mongodb://

For the first run we need spring.jpa.generate-ddl to be true as it will automatically create the schema in
Cockroach DB. For further runs we can turn-off this. We are using the default databases for both Cockroach DB(defaultDB)
and Mongo DB(local). We are not using any authentication so if you are then adjust the Spring properties accordingly.

Go to the backend/monitoring-service and run mvn clean compile. After it run mvn spring-boot:run it will start the
micro service. You can check it is working or not by http://localhost:8558/alive it will show OK.

5. Running client-service

For configuring databases in application.properties follow instructions given in Running monitoring-service. Go to
the backend/client-service and run mvn clean compile. After it run mvn spring-boot:run it will start the micro
service. You can check it is working or not by http://localhost:8081/swagger-ui.html it will show OK.

NOTE: To test out this service using Postman is a good idea. As we integrated Swagger but it doesn’t support polymorphic
REST resources. So the instructions written on it will not work. Sample for all requests are given in
Watchdog.postman_collection.json in the backend director. Install Postman and import this collection to test out
various REST APIs.

6. Running front-end code

Go to the fronend directory and run ng serve. It will take a while as there is problem in ng commands:
https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/issues/3484. You can see a message that a server is running at localhost:4200.
You can create an user from the front-end and then use our application.

Access the application at localhost:4200

Run using docker

1. Setting up the front-end configuration

Update the url of the exposed client-service in frontend/src/environments/environment.prod.ts.

  1. export const environment = {
  2. production: true,
  3. server: ''
  4. };

We are using docker tool box so the client service is accessed by The host is the hostname
of the docker-machine. So adjust it accordingly.

2. Build the project.

Use the build.sh. That’s it. We tried to carefully create this build script. It is assumed to be run at the
backend/ directory. If you want to debug a particular part you can follow through the script it is well documented
or you can reach out to us.

Access the application at NOTE: We are using docker toolbox so adjust you URL accordingly.

Deploy on AWS

1. Create an AWS instance

Create an AWS EC2 instance with Ubuntu 64 bit AMI and t2.small instance with 2 GB ram.

2. Update AWS url in front-end

Update the url of the instance in frontend/src/environments/environment.prod.ts

  1. export const environment = {
  2. production: true,
  3. server: 'http://<ip of instance>:<port of client service>/'
  4. };

3. Packaging up the Project

Comment the last line of build.sh which triggers a docker build.

  1. # Using docker compose to create containers for all service.
  2. docker-compose -p watchdog up --build

Run build.sh and then compress backend folder using 7z in your local machine. NOTE: Build script will package
front-end code inside client-service.

4. Setting up the instance

  • Move the artifact backend.7z to instance using ssh.
  • sudo apt update -y to Update apt repositories
  • sudo apt install docker.io -y to Install docker
  • sudo apt install docker-compose -y to Install docker-compose
  • sudo apt-get install p7zip-full to Install 7zip
  • 7z x backend.7z to extract project

    5. Running the project

  • Go to the root of extracted project(backend/) and run sudo docker-compose -p watchdog up --build.