项目作者: gamlerhart

项目描述 :
HTTPS reverse proxy for development environments
高级语言: Clojure
项目地址: git://github.com/gamlerhart/bastel-proxy.git
创建时间: 2019-11-01T14:54:56Z

开源协议:MIT License


Bastel Proxy

Your website or application is split across different HTTPs services. In production, you use
a complex load balancer, which does the HTTPs termination and unites the services. You want
to have HTTPS and mirror the URL layout, without hassling with certificates and complex
load balancer configuration. Bastel Proxy is a reverse proxy supporting HTTPS, intended
for development environments.

An example. You have this layout in production:

my-company.com -> A node service
my-company.com/store -> Another node service
my-company.com/blog -> Wordpress
support.my-company.com -> A Java service
api.my-company.com -> .NET service

Now you want to mirror this structure in your dev enviroment.
Let’s say we host it on the ‘local.my-company.com’. Then the configuration config.edn would look like.

  1. {
  2. :sites
  3. {
  4. "local.my-company.com" {:proxy-destination "http://localhost:3001"} ;Main page dev node service
  5. "local.my-company.com/store" {:proxy-destination "http://localhost:3002"} ;Store dev node service
  6. "local.my-company.com/store" {:proxy-destination "https://my-company.com/blog"} ;Mirror production
  7. "support.local.my-company.com" {:proxy-destination "http://localhost:8080"} ;Support dev Java service
  8. "api.local.my-company.com" {:proxy-destination "http://localhost:4001"} ;Our dev .NET service
  9. }
  10. }

Bastel Proxy will create HTTPS certificates, add the domain entries to your /etc/hosts and serves the
‘local.my-company.com’ domain. That’s it. It doesn’t provide complex configuration or needs any special setup.

Requirements and Setup.

Currently, Linux and Windows is supported.
You need Java 8 or newer installed. Unpack the bastel-proxy.tar.gz file to your desired location.
Then run bastel-proxy.sh/bastel-proxy.bat. The Bastel-Proxy will start and might prompt you for your root/admin
password to install its CA certificate into the trust stores. Furthermore, the root/admin password is used
to update the /etc/hosts file to redirect the specified domain to and on Linux to bind the privileged
HTTP 80 and HTTPS 443 ports.

After it is running, you should be able to navigate to a site specified in the config. It should work
as HTTP and HTTPS site.

Bastel Proxy keeps watching the config file and reload it when it changes. It might prompt again
for root/admin passwords if you change the domains to update the /etc/hosts file.


Bastel proxy updates the /etc/hosts file and adds the domain, pointing to

HTTPS Certificates

Bastel Proxy does automatically create HTTPS certificates for the domains. To do that it creates
its own CA and installs it into known trust stores. The root CA is written to root-cert.crt. You
can install in other locations.

Bastel Proxy installs it in following trust stores:

  • Your Distro’s trust store. Tested on Manjaro and Ubuntu
  • Chrome: $HOME/.pki/nssdb
  • Firefox: $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/{profile}/cert9.db
  • Java if $JAVA_HOME is set

On Windows the CA certificate is imported into the User’s root store. Chrome will read if from there.
For Firefox Bastel Proxy enables
(https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/setting-certificate-authorities-firefox)['ImportEnterpriseRoots'/security.enterprise_roots.enabled option]
to read the certificate from the Windows trust store.

Port Handling

On Linux the HTTP port 80 and HTTPS port 443 required privileged access. To avoid running Bastel Proxy as root
it will install a ip table route to redirect these ports to high ports 42380 and 42381.

IP tables are cleared on reboot. Or you can run bastel-proxy.sh --iptables-uninstall to uninstall the iptables

Windows Support

Bastel Proxy should work on Windows. Instead of a sudo prompt you get evaluate prompts.

Advanced REPL

You can use Bastel-Proxy in a REPL mode for advanced features. Start it with the --repl argument.

  1. $bastel-proxy.sh --repl
  2. Logs are in /home/gamlor/hacking/bastel-proxy/bastel-proxy.log
  3. Interactive Clojure REPL. Useful functions:
  4. (print-repl-help) Print this help
  5. (start-watching-config) Start Bastel-Proxy and watch the config.edn for changes.
  6. Restarts and applies and changes to config.edn file.
  7. Press enter to stop watching config.edn
  8. (restart) Restart the Bastel-Proxy
  9. (stop) Stop the Bastel-Proxy
  10. (install-ca-cert) Installs the Bastel-Proxy root CA into known trust stores
  11. (iptables-uninstall) Uninstall the Bastel Proxy iptables. IP tables are cleared on reboot
  12. (intercept-requests) Install a request filter for all requests passing through the proxy
  13. (stop-intercepting-requests) Uninstalls any request filter from the proxy
  14. bastel-proxy.main=>

In the REPL mode Bastel Proxy doesn’t immediately start. The REPL uses Clojure as the language.
You have to start it with (restart) or start and keep watching the
config.edn with (start-watching-config)

Intercept requests

In the REPL you can intercept requests by providing a function which changes requests.
The function can change the request, give a response or let request process normally:

  1. (intercept-requests
  2. ; The function is called for each request, using the Ring format https://github.com/ring-clojure/ring
  3. ; return nil will process the request as is, returning {:response { ring-response-map }} will return the specified response
  4. ; and returning {:request {ring-request-map}} will use that request to pass through
  5. (fn [req]
  6. (cond
  7. ; Example Add a header to the /admin page request before sending it along.
  8. (str/starts-with? (:uri req) "/admin") {:request
  9. (assoc-in req [:headers "X-Secret"] "a-secret")}
  10. ; Example Respond with 403 for all /forbidden pages
  11. (str/starts-with? (:uri req) "/forbidden") {:response
  12. {:status 403 :body "nope, forbidden"}}
  13. ; Other requests pass through
  14. :else nil)
  15. ))

You can stop the intercepting with (stop-intercepting-requests)

Source Code, Building it:

The source code is hosted at https://github.com/gamlerhart/bastel-proxy.

Install the Clojure command line tool. To build it, run:

  1. clojure -Abuild dist

Run tests:

  1. clojure -Atest
  2. # With include end to end tests, might prompt you for your root password

